
Techniquey Thanks!

So as you know...if you follow my blog...I am not usually a techniquey person! BOY do I love to see other peoples work and am always wishing I could pull it off like others do but I don't feel like I can! So I am breaking out of my CAS style to bring you a techniquey card! Can I just say it one more time? Techniquey.

Here it is...


I love this Hero Arts stamp and I know you have seen it here recently! So I smeared my Tim Holtz inks on the back side of my Scor-Mat and then spritzed it with water! After clear embossing the image on my card, I rubed the front of the image onto the mat! Instant colored bacground! I learned it from a HA video awhile back! See? I am learning! And reaching out of my CAS comfort zone! LOL!


So I stamped a little text and added a little denim and trim and then some Prisma blue pencil centers to my flowers (not sure how I feel about my coloring there!). 

Do you like my potato masher photo holder?  I have used it before here but its been awhile!  My friend made it for me!  It's a really fun recipe holder but I had to throw it in here again!

Well this it is for me for a couple days!  I am off to a super crafty weekend in Topeka/KC with my friends Jen, Amy, Eva and Barb!  AND I am super excited to get to have dinner with Jinny!!  YEAH!!  Jinny can't wait to meet you IRL!!  I will be back with pics!  :)

And yes I have changed my blog picture like 10 times but I am having so much fun with the Instagram app on my phone!  The way it makes the pics look retro is too fun!  I went back and edited a couple pics of me that were not my favorite and gave them awhole different look!  :)

Everybody have a great day!


  1. Gorgeous card Laurie... you did the 'techniquey' thing very well :) Have fun on your crafty weekend.

  2. This card is cute! I need me some more ink colours to try this technique with - it looks so effective!
    And your accent colouring of the flower centres really works ;)
    Have a great crafty time with your chums, hugs, Ruth S

  3. I like your techniquey. It produced a masterpiece. Techniquey is a word. I has to be. I just know it.

  4. Beautiful techniquiness! You rocked this card, Laurie. And I LOVE the masher!

  5. Better watch out...we'll call you a "Techiquey" master...love what you did with your card...have a blast on your weekend...I'm jealous!! :)

  6. Oh, I love it! I am not a technique person either because it's too messy and/or time consuming and I'm impatient. LOL I really like this technique though and may try it for my Mom's birthday card.

  7. Beautiful - love this technique - I tried it once and didn't like my end result - will have to try again.

  8. First of all, WOW! Loving this gorgeous stamped image. It is so, well, techniquey! And before I even read your comment about the Prisma coloring, I thought to myself how cool the flower centers looked. It adds just the right contrast.

    Second, I'm totally jealous that you're having a stamping getaway with such amazing ladies this weekend! Hope you gals have lots of fun!

  9. Absolutely stunning! LOVE this look! Yummy! And woohoo... only two more days! Can't wait to meet you either! Have a good one!

  10. Beautiful as always! I think your colors are amazing. Have fun on your little get away.

  11. Have a fabulous time with the girls, sounds fun!
    Lovely card, love your technique.

  12. LOVE it!
    You do techniquey as perfect as CAS!
    Love the colors and that twine like ribbon...?
    Fabby with the denim!
    Have a fabby weekend...wish I could come...I know ya'll will have so much fun!:)

  13. This card is gorgeous, Laurie! I love that you are trying things outside your comfort zone. I must say, you ROCK everything you do!

    Oh, have fun with the girls! Sounds like it'll be lots of fun. Can't wait to see the pictures!

  14. Techniquey?! I love it!! What a great word and a great card too! Have fun on your KC weekend-gonna have to find an app similar in the Android market-too cool!

  15. Oh.my. I am in love with this card. Seriously! I look at this stamp and shrug wondering what in the world I would do with it. You have made it shine!
    Have a fantastic time getting crafty!

  16. I feel the same way about your cards! Such beautiful CAS cards which I often have trouble doing, and end up with much more. This is a beautiful card!! Great colors, balance and techniques. Laurie, you always amaze me!

  17. Your card is gorgeous! I love that technique... thanks for explaining, I'm going to have to see if I have a stamp I can try it with!

  18. This is absolutely gorgeous Laurie!!! WOWZAS!!! I love the technique! It adds such delicious color! The centers of the flowers are accented so perfectly!
    Have so much fun on your crafty weekend!!! It sounds like it'll be a blast!

  19. You did a great job with the technique. I liked that you colored the center of the flowers. That's one of the first things I noticed. Beautiful card! Have fun on your crafty weekend!

  20. This is beautiful and what a fun technique to play around with! Have fun this weekend!

  21. Beautiful card Laurie, great job getting techniquey!

  22. Love this technique! Might have to give this a go this weekend but ah, I don't have many TH inks! We may have to remedy that! Gorgeous Laurie!

  23. We love Jinny over at The Play Date Cafe and you are gonna LOVE this girly in real life :) Have a great time and oh...your card is marvelous!

  24. Just realized you are getting together with Jen as well! We love her on The Twinery DT!!! Have a great weekend!

  25. Heyyyyyyyy Laurie Girl! You are now the techniquey queen cause this is a STUNNER!!! Love that denim strip - it looks awesome!

    Your potato masher card hanger thingy is fabo too! Who would have thought you could make something so cool from a masher! lol


  26. These types of techniques always seem so intimidating! Thanks for demonstrating its possibilities!! Your project is terrific! And I'm definitely keeping my denim scraps from the kids ripped pants after I turn them into shorts! ;)

  27. This is absolutely beautiful! It even looks oriental - great work!

  28. Gorgeous card! I love the colors, design and technique!

  29. I love your "techniquey" card and hope you make more! It can be a lot of fun experimenting with inks. Yours turned out amazing! Great card!!

  30. You definitely pulled off a techniquey card with perfection! I love it! -]

  31. This is SO awesome!! Hope you are having a blast this weekend. The centers of the flowers are perfect... I was trying to figure out how you did them until I read about the pencils :-)

  32. Laurie, this is just gorgeous! You do "techniquey" well. :)
    I love that denim strip with the rope trim. The colour combo is fab too.

    As is that masher holder! What a grande idea. I may have to try to make one of those. :)

  33. Okay the card is great of course it is because you made it ....... the colors work perfectly and I love the denim trim on your card blah blah blah ......... let's talk about something better ......... you look great and I can tell your face is really slimming down ....... BEAUTIFUL!!! Have a great weekend. I was working a yard sale all day today ........ 190.00 towards my new Electra bicycle ....... check them out on line....... gotta find one to fit my personality!!! Kiss the girls for me!!! xoxoxo

  34. Great card - saw HA tweeted about it... so had to pop over have a look and say Congrats.

  35. This really looks cool! I love how you colored the centers purple, I think that turned out great! Very pretty!


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