
The sweetest day...

I am going to have to say it started out that way! This morning was the Royal wedding! So sweet! I love a good fairy tale! The bride was gorgeous and yes...I cried! When did I turn into my mom?

Well, the rest of the day? NOT so great! I came home from town around 11:45am and noticed smoke in my area. I called my husband and told him about it and about 15 minutes later called him again and said come home NOW! There was a grass fire...which is usually no big deal...until you throw in 50 mile an hour Kansas wind! SO, we spent a good chunk of the day with no power and a knock on the door to evacuate! My husband was pretty sure we would be fine...a farm boy...he does OK with fire...me not so much!

So many have lost so much this week so I know I have so much to be thankful for! I can't imagine what they are going through in the South and I know tonight I am so lucky to have my family safe...and my home standing! The people we see on the news and the ones that have been affected by the storms are in my prayers! Mother nature can be such a scary thing!

I am going to share a card I made last week....


I am so thankful for everything at the end of this day! I went through this very same thing 4 years ago in our old house!  My family was safe then and so happy that we were all safe today!  Thank you all for the tweets and emails checking up on us!  Have a great night!


  1. Hehe....did you buy that strawberry image too? Beautiful card and I'm so glad you are safe and sound.....I worried all day after Jen called me.

  2. Laurie, love your style and truly enjoy following your blog. You are always so helpful on the PTI Forum as well. SO very happy that you and your family are safe. Fires (and nature) can be so very scary, and things can change so quickly. Stay safe and enjoy the weekend!
    (aka bdlakebum on PTI Forum)

  3. So Glad you & Your family are safe and sound!! Take care.
    What a sweet card!

  4. SO sweet!! Glad that you are safe and sound! Yes, we all have to count our blessings, isn't it? xo

  5. Super cute card!

    So glad to hear you are safe!

  6. I can't even imagine being asked to evacuate. Glad to hear you are all OK!

    Gorgeous card though. :)
    I love the patterned papers and that wonderful strawberry.

  7. Oh how scary, I hate to think of the worry you went through. Thank goodness you are all OK.

  8. So glad that all of you are safe.
    I couldn't imagine being told to evacuate my home...
    it would scare me beyond words.
    And believe me...the last month here in the South has had me feeling like we live in Kansas! :)
    Tornado warnings every week with storms!
    We were lucky Wednesday...
    we didn't warm as much as they had anticipated so the worst of the storms missed us here...
    but we had been warned to expect "violent weather"...
    but the ones in AL, GA, MS, SE TN...
    my heart bleeds for them all.
    A beautiful card...
    I love that strawberry...
    where did you get it?
    A perfect card!

  9. This is just adorable! Love the colors!

  10. Glad to hear you're okay - how scary for you!

    Your card is gorgeous and I love that stripy paper.

    Have a sweet and safe weekend!

  11. It's amazing how a day can quickly turn on you! I am so glad you hear you are alright, sounded really scary! Your card is A-dorable! I was going to get that strawberry...I think I will for sure! So so cute!

  12. So glad that all is well. I think that I'd still be scared, too! Your sweet card is adorable! Just LOVE bold color on kraft!

  13. What a bright and fun card! It is one of my favorites of yours. I hope everything turns out alright for you and your family. Keep us posted!

  14. oh, how scary, Laurie! So glad you are all okay :) LOVE this sweet card...the stripes on kraft are amazing :)

  15. Yikes! That is some scarey stuff! So glad all turned out well and you are safe and sound!! Your card is super cute!!

  16. So glad that you are okay!!! The card you created is so so cute!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  17. I know! I've been saying prayers for all those who have lost so much. So very glad you and your family are safe. Those Kansas winds have made it all the way down here in Louisiana. We've had pretty gusty winds for a couple of weeks now.
    Love your cute strawberry card!

  18. yikes, sorry to hear about your scary day! Glad all is ok! Sweet card, I love that polka dotted scalloped edge, really cool!!

  19. You're right - it's SUCH a sweet card! Love the rainbow pp!

    So glad you get to be safe back in your house for YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you have the perfect, lovely day! xoxo~cch

  20. Happy Happy Birthday, Laurie!! Glad you and your family are okay!!

  21. I do love your card!! Those fires you see outside of Ft. Worth (Possum Kingdom Lake) on TV are pretty close to us "relatively speaking"... that's why I was worried about you on twitter. I have patients who live out there (or their family) that have lost their homes already.

    glad you and family are okay!

  22. Fun use of pattern. You certainly know how to design a card.
    I cannot imagine how you must have felt when being told to evacuate your home. So pleased that you ended the day without harm to your family or house. Hope the stress from that day has passed so that you were able to enjoy your birthday today. Your friends were so sweet to host a birthday hop. Happy birthday, Laurie!

  23. There's that cute stamp that we both wanted and didn't buy and then went home and bought! :) This is really cute! Love, love the patterned papers you used and the twine too!

  24. Scary Laurie!!! OMG! Glad to hear everything worked out ok!!!
    This is an awesome card! Fabulously colorful and so fun!

  25. SO GLAD you and your family are SAFE, Laurie!!! What a scary experience! This card is ADORABLE!!!! LOVE that GIANT strawberry and your patterned paper choices!!! Ahhhh...so totally sweet!

  26. So glad to hear that you made it through everything okay. I've never had to face an evacuation and sure hope that day never comes! Adorable card, by the way!


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