

The Greetery Full Reveal Day 1...

Welcome to day one of the Full Reveal for the January Release at The Greetery.  This month's new products.....amazing.  I am in awe each month when I get the box in the mail.  I am so excited to share with you, four projects showcasing today's reveals.  Remember everything you see for the next 2 days will be available on Friday, January 17th at 9am CST.

Today's showcase includes these new products:

Signed and Sealed stamps + dies

Signed and Sealed With a Kiss stamps + dies Pretty 

Postmarks stamps + dies 

  Windowpane Plaid Background red rubber stamp 

  Postal Frames dies


Signed and Sealed Stamps and dies are so much fun!  I am loving this envelope image....

The Greetery

I stamped the envelope in black ink on a white card panel and then added in the sentiment from Sentiment Suite: Love, which you will see more of tomorrow.  I grabbed the envelope liner and stamped that in a red ink.  Next, I stamped and die cut the bloom from Sketchbook Roses.  You guys. I can't even with this one.  I generally don't do a lot of color or watercoloring, so this set?  Yeah.  Its for me.  Those colored images are a 2 step stamp that makes it look I did come coloring here.  LOVE!  Last, I added tucked in the blooms and added the panel to a white card base.  Super simple.  Super!

The Greetery  The Greetery

I needed another clean and simple card, of course, so I made this little monochromatic card...

The Greetery

I stamped the bloom from Sketchbook Roses on a pink card base.  I die cut the smaller of the 2 Postal Frames in white card stock and then stamped an image from Pretty Postmarks in light gray ink.  Next, I added in a heart image from the same set at the top.  I die cut the postmark from the Postal Frames set  and heat embossed the coordinating stamp and then popped it up around the heart image.  Last, I layered the white postal frame with fun foam and added it to the pink card base.  

The Greetery    The Greetery

Do you guys follow Chip and Jo?  This last November a friend and I went to Waco to visit the Silos.  I love that place.  We ate at Magnolia Table which has the more gorgeous decor.  This next card is totally Magnolia Table inspired....

The Greetery

When I saw this amazing die, I knew it had to be kept super simple.  I used the new Window Pane Plaid Background stamp and stamped a deep yellow color on a white card base.  To make that sentiment pop, I die cut it in black fun foam and then again in black cardstock.  It was so easy to pop up on the card base.  And done!  Super simple and very Magnolia!

The Greetery      The Greetery

One last card today!  I had to use the envelope image from Signed and Sealed in a fun way!

The Greetery

To create this card I stamped the envelope image in black ink and then used the Crimped Frame die to make the front panel.    I added the crimped panel to another white panel and then added them both to the card front and then stamped the Hello sentiment along the bottom.  

The Greetery        The Greetery

The die set comes with a full enveloped die but it also comes with a single die to make the envelope open without cutting out the whole envelope.  I stamped another envelope in black ink on a teal card stock panel, die cut with the single die and then stamped thank you on this inside.  Last, I added a Starbucks card to the opening. The little die makes for the perfect gift card holder!

The Greetery

Alright, that is it for me today.  I have more to share tomorrow.  Check out all the links below because I am 100% certain these girls have more to see.....and we will be blown away!




Thanks so much for stopping in today!  We have one more day of product reveals for The Greetery and then release day.  Every thing you see on these two day will be available Friday, January 17th at 9am CST.

Have a great day!



Instagram: Laurie Willison (@laurie_willison)

Facebook: Soapbox Creations

All products in today's post are linked below and throughout the post.  These are my personal affiliate links which you can shop from at no cost to you!  :)  Thank you for supporting Soapbox Creations!  


  1. The window pane stamp is definitely a staple piece. Looking forward to more beautiful card shares tomorrow.

  2. oh my goodness... jaw-dropping fabulous creations! That gift card holder though... You just KNOW how to speak to me through paper and ink!

  3. Great job on all of the cards! Beautiful products.

  4. Love your cards, Laurie! I love that the envelope and die can fit a gift card! Genius! Thanks for sharing!

  5. These are all just beautiful Laurie! I love that you turned one into a gift card holder. What great inspiration!

  6. I LOVE how you tucked the envelope inside the card as well--so clever!

  7. i love love love the simplicity of the last one with the envelope on the corner. LOVE IT.

  8. Your examples are so creative! Thank you for showing how to use the new products "differently".

  9. I love that the envelope can hold a gift card too! Thanks for the pretty inspiration.

  10. Love your CAS designs Laurie! Beautiful cards!

  11. You really hit it out of the ballpark today! All the cards are so CAS Love it!

  12. Your CAS cards show just how gorgeous this new release is!

  13. Simple perfection as always!! Love these!

  14. Great cards Laurie. The gift card idea is fun.

  15. Can't wait for your IG LIVE!!!! Always great inspiration!

  16. I love the clean look of your designs. Everyone is making such beautiful cards. What a fabulous release.

  17. CAS perfection on all of these cards Laurie, and I too am loving the gift card holder! Can't wait to see more! :0)

  18. Beautiful cards, Laurie! Love these new products from The Greetery!

  19. Great and simple designs. I always love your white space!

  20. Your first two cards speak to my heart! Lovely! Wish I could pin them for inspiration!

  21. Clever girl! Each is simple and unique yet packs a wow factor! I just love your style!

  22. Stunning CAS! I LOVE the pink and black one! So beautiful!

  23. Your cards are wonderful but your second card really caught my eye. I love that rose and the placement on the card. Great job.

  24. You are the clean and simple queen! Brilliant cards.

  25. I love the monochromatic card. It's so simple and clean, and effective!

  26. The first two cards I am drawn to - simple and lovely. Thank you!

  27. I just love the pop of orange Laurie. Your cards are all adorable!

  28. I love seeing how you envision Betsy's sets! Such a cute gift card holder idea - but that blush pink card just blows me away :o)

  29. Awesome set of creations! Love your gift card holder using the envelope die :)

  30. Laurie, your CAS designs are fabulous! Love each creation and the GC holder is a really fun idea for this envie stamp/die!

  31. I love your CAS cards! They're so elegant!

  32. Beautiful CAS cards as usual, Laurie. Can't wait to see all the products!

  33. Ohhhh!!! I just love the soft pink and black card!
    Well, all your cards are great.

  34. Love all of your gorgeous CAS cards but I'm especially fond of the first card!

  35. Such fabulous cards!! I esp love the pale pink and black one. Such a classic color combo....and so beautiful! I adore that scripty sentiment!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  36. Your cards are fabulous, Laurie! Love your crisp style with this release. The Chip and Jo card had me squeal! So perfect!

  37. I especially love the color palette on your 2nd card and the wonderful gift card idea. I look forward to your Instagram introductions! 😊

  38. What lovely ideas for these new sets, Laurie - I LOVE that pink card!

  39. Love all your sweet CAS designs! The gift card idea is great!

  40. Beautiful CAS cards!! Love your style.

  41. Love the pink & black, very elegant!

  42. Very simple and they make a statement!!

  43. LOVE the Magnolia inspired card! Can't wait to go back there someday!

  44. Loved your monochromatic card. Great inspiration for CAS cards. Love your style and what a great release.

  45. Laurie, your cards are beautiful as always!

  46. Love your cards, Laurie! Your gift card idea is Great. Thanks for your inspiration!

  47. Fabulous cards! Love the idea of the gift card inserted in the envelope.

  48. Wonderful cards. My favorite is the first one -- that Valentine is amazing.

  49. Gorgeous sample projects, Laurie!!! I totally thought you colored those roses! Sounds like a perfect stamp set for me as well :) And I love that the envelope die can fit a gift card!!! Thanks for sharing that idea!!! What an incredible new release!

  50. The card inspired by Chip and Jo is great.
    I love the structured design. the black
    lettering pops off the muted colors.
    All of the cards are wonderful. thanks
    for sharing. txmlhl(at)yahoo(dot)com

  51. Always look forward to your beautiful creations... I have to say The Greetery has changed my style. I am crazy for Postal things because my daughter's both work for the Postal system. Anytime I find postal I'm all over it. So beautiful...

  52. Love your projects! Great idea for a gift card too!

  53. Wonderful cards Laurie, I really love the simplicity of these. My favourite is the second card, love the pink, black and white together- gorgeous!

  54. Such elegant cards. I love them all.

  55. Very creative. Love the blank space. Just lovely cards and a beautiful new release. Thank you for the inspiration. Happy New Year!

  56. Laurie, great job on showcasing these beautiful new stamps.

  57. Love all your cards ... this is such an awesome release!

  58. Cute idea with the double envelope and the gift card inside.

  59. These are all wonderful Laurie, the first is my favorite!

  60. love the pink and black, very elegant!! Love this release!! Great job making Betsy's designs even more beautiful!

  61. I love your card Laurie! I especially love how the emphasize the sketchiness of the envelope stamp. So pretty and CAS!

  62. Love the envelope with the gift card. Clever!

  63. I can't be the only one loving this little stuffer envelope. I'm loving this release, it doesn't disappoint!

  64. Love the clean and simple lines of your cards. The elements really stand out.

  65. Love the plaid stamp and how you used it. This is a beautiful release!

  66. Your CAS talents impress once again! Love the envelope and Starbucks card!

  67. Your cards are so cute! Thanks for sharing your creativity with these fabulous new products.

  68. Love the clean and simple look. Very creative!

  69. Love the clean and simple look. You are so creative!

  70. Very pretty. I like the use of black on your cards.

  71. Cute cards! LOVE that new windowpane bg stamp!

  72. Wonderful projects. Love the minimalist style on the last card.

  73. Beautiful cards, Laurie! Wish I could pin them, but it won't let me.

  74. Laurie, all of your cards are fantastic! The one with the envelope and starbucks card is so CAS and so classicly you! Love it!!

  75. Loving these postal themed sets and your lovely cards!

  76. Hi Laurie :) Love the CAS vintage feel to these cards!!! Gorgeous! Thanks for inspiring me :)

  77. Love that pink and black card - shows that you don't need a lot of colors to have a big impact. A good designer can reduce it all down and come up with a simple but very beautiful card. Congrats!

  78. Awesome cards! I really love the postal theme designs, and that envelope with the slit for the gift card is a great idea!

  79. Love your roses in the envelope. Oh do pretty.

  80. I always love your clean and simple designs!

  81. Beautiful creations! Love all the black!!!

  82. These are all such great cards! I really like the more graphic look of the last one and how you tucked the gift card into the envelope.

  83. Love the cards.... who thinks of using black ink so creatively?

  84. Love the simplicity of the last 2 cards.

  85. LOVE your "peeking" envelope with the gift card pocket inside...and your "Beautiful" card is simply stunning!

  86. Lovely CAS cards -- the second one is my favorite! Love those colors!

  87. BEAUTIFULLY DONE, Laurie! LOVE the little POP of color on the envelope liners & then, the fun part of filling the envelope up! A SUPER JOB!!!!! ;)<3

  88. I just love your clean & simple designs! Thanks for the inspiration. :D

  89. Love the envelope with flowers hanging out. Nice

  90. Great cards, especially the one with the starbucks card inside. I appreciate it when you show the insides!

  91. I love your first card with the black envelope and flower. On my screen, the rose looks orange (not red) and I thought that color would also be beautiful with the black.

  92. Thanks for the amazing inspiration! I love the new release. It is fantastic.

  93. You always make simple into spectacular! These are all amazing, just like Betsy’s new products!

  94. Love your gorgeous cards. This is such a wonderful release, and those BotaniCuts Roses are at the top of my wish list.

  95. Like you, I don't do a lot of coloring, so these flowers are great for me. Love all the ways you used the envelopes to make such pretty cards.

  96. You make simple look so easy and I know it is not. Just breathtaking design.

  97. LOVE the last one with the "hello" in the envelope on the front and a gift card in the envelope on the inside. Just perfect!

  98. Such great design here! Lovely projects!

  99. Love the envelope cards! I really like how on some of your cards you have the image "hanging" off. Super pretty! Can't wait to see what else is yet to come in this months amazing release!

  100. Fresh, creative and lovely designs. Beautiful cards!


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