

Delightful Waste of Time....

(Can I just start this post by saying, I adore Meredith's blog name? So fun!)  

My sweet blogging friend, Meredith, is starting a new paper kit easy site. She has gathers a few friends today to share her goodies. You can check out her store at Delightful Waste of Time on Etsy. She is going to be selling little paper crafting kits with lots of fun little elements included in each kit. This first one, LOVE NOTES, is selling for $7 plus shipping. Use the code GRAND OPENING over at her etsy site for a 10% discount on your order.

On this first card, I used some amazing, thick and colorful twine. I seriously love this stuff. It is a lot thicker than the regular twine available. I added in a little felt heart that was in the kit also.


For this next card, I used the seam binding included and made little rose buds.  I just twisted and stitched until I had 3 small buds and then attached them to the card with glue dots.  


The other girls have some adorable things made up using the Love Notes kit.  Go check them out!


Thanks for stopping in!  :)


  1. Laurie, these are delightful! Love your twine, and those ribbon roses are perfect! Can't wait to see more pretty things created with this kit!

  2. Both cards are gorgeous, Laurie! I love your rose buds so much...they're so charming!

  3. Terrific cards Laurie, that twine is super!! Your seam binding roses are darling!!

  4. THANK YOU!!! I am so grateful to you guys, and am just honored you said yes! You know I loved these projects.,, it's so cool to see all your different takes on the same stuff! Thank you so much again, I'm so glad for your help!

  5. Love the CAS design of the first card, girlie but your seam binding roses have me swooning! :)

  6. So these are CAS yet so elegant love them have a great day!

  7. This is adorable!! I LOVE the twine and those roses are so pretty.


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