

Q&A and some favorites!

Scroll down to see about a chance to win a seat in Britta's design principles class.
Keep scrolling for this week's CAS-ual Fridays post.
And scroll a little more for the Shaped Up Blog Hop..with a chance to win!

Does this mean I have too many posts? 
Just lots of fun stuff going on right? 

I figured it was time again for a little Q&A and I thought too, it would be fun to share some a couple of my newest favorites from Pinterest!  (For all you non-crafty people, just scroll down for the recipes!) 

First off, I had several emails and comments about the die used on THIS card.  It is from PTI and you can find it HERE.  Please forgive me for not getting back to you sooner.  I received the sweetest email from Lola and it reminded me that I needed to post the link.  Thanks Lola!

Some more on Clear and Simple....I love getting your emails with questions on my favorite things!  I think the most asked questions, are about the dies.  It would be SO hard to pick just one thing.  SO, I would say that any of the Shapes would be a good addition to your crafting stash.  They include matching frame stamps which come in so handy!  I also love their party favor boxes.  They are really fun to work with.  I am also a fan of the new topper dies...they work for more than just bag toppers for sure!  Go check out their latest release.  You can see all of Collection 4 HERE.  

About my Shaped up blog hop card.  I made a cloud with a sun peaking out and several of you asked about the cloud.  It is actually a shape from SCAL and it's not from a cartridge.  I own one cartridge.  And I never use it.  I find all my shapes online from different free svg sites.  Pretty handy!  And free!  :)

And lastly, I've had several questions about my inks.  I use all kinds. I have lots of the new PTI ink but I mainly use Amuse.  They give such a great, solid image and they have so many fun colors.  I have had lots of luck using CSS Anonymous Source...which I have raved about before and then inking up with a color.  I mainly do this for the larger solid images and it really helps out.  You can see more about that HERE.

ETA: Regarding Kathy's comment....if you are looking for an alternative to the Amuse inks, you can go HERE to see the Fresh Inks from Impress.  HERE is a color chart pdf they have so you can see what they have available.  I have several of these in my card but have not used them myself.  I hear nothing but good things though.  So when I do get them, I will let you know!

Now here are a few of my favorite recipes that I have tried recently...and I am linking to the pins I have on Pinterest so you can pin too, if you'd like!  You know how you see amazing pins all the time but never really know for sure if the recipes are good?  Well here are a few...personally tested and loved!

So do you have a loaf of Texas Toast laying around?  Well take 5 minutes and whip THIS up before you go to bed and when you wake up....throw it in the oven. O.M.G.  Not kidding people...this is fabulous!  FAB! I've made this for company a couple of times and its a hit!  I think I might have to make it for tomorrow now that I am looking at it!  :)

Need a quick and easy dinner and something to make the kiddos happy?  Well....seriously?  These things are AMAZING!  I have made them 3 times already and they are SO good!  I just bought some whole wheat flour and am going to try the recipe with that soon, just to make it a little more healthy....well sorta!  :)

I love lemon.  I bet I haven't raved about my love for lemon stuff here on the blog.  But I do.  Lemon bars, lemon cake, lemon cookies, lemonade...bring it on.  So when I saw this pin, I had to try.  And yes they are perfect...

And I had to add in one more dessert here.  These things?  Well....if you think you might eat more than you should...don't make these.  Seriously...just keep right on scrolling.  There really are no words about how much I love these things.  WOWZA!  

Disclaimer:  These pictures are not mine.  During the baking process, I was too excited for the end result to even think about taking pictures.  I borrowed the pics from Pinterest, and each pin that I have linked here, links back to the recipes and sites, of which, someone else originally pinned and then I repinned!  :)  So go pin them too!  :)  I'd like to thank the owners of these four recipes, for making my kitchen and my kids so happy!  Ok and me too!

So that is it for my first installment of Pinterest Favorites.  As I bake more, I may share more!  If you have a favorite pin, please link up in the comments!  I'd love to see them!

Thanks for coming by today!  Don't forget to sign up to win a spot in Britta's class.  You can read about it HERE!  And time is running out too, on the Shaped Up Blog hop.  Click HERE to comment for a chance to win!  


  1. Hey, thanks for the Q & A! and the recipes-oh Laurie! I was going to start a new diet (well new way of eating) guess that'll have to wait til after the Texas French Toast!!!
    Amuse, eh? I keep hearing good things about their inks but I'm so impatient I like getting my products in the mail very quickly. My SU demo is a sweetheart but it takes about 3 weeks before I get my product.:\
    How long does it take to get Amuse products?
    Sorry for the one more ?

  2. Thanks for the recipes, Laura. You are making me hungry and I just had dinner.

  3. All the recipes sound amazing!!! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. What a great read! Thank you, for sharing some of your favorites. And now, I want to shop suddenly... lol Also I have to admit, you have officially made me hungry!! Especially, for something sweet! ;) I'm gonna have to check out those recipes! Have a great weekend and I'll see you around!! :)

  5. Fab post! Love the new tips and intro to some new products. :)

    Also those recipes look so yummy. I MUST try those lemon bars. I too have a thing for lemon. :)

  6. I'm gonna try every single recipe!! Thanks so much for sharing your faves!

  7. Laurie, thanks so much for the info regarding the products!

    It's 11:15 p.m. and I'm suddenly hungry after reading this. My son and daughter-in-law will be visiting next week, so maybe that would be a good time to try out the French toast recipe. It sounds like a tasty treat!

  8. Laurie, I made the Perfect Lemon Bars this evening, right after re-pinning your pin! Thanks for sharing the link! They are FABULOUS!! We had them for dessert and my guests asked for the recipe. Now to move on to those other recipes. :-)

  9. Yum! Those look delicious! Thanks too for all the answers to questions.


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