

Design Principles Class Seat Giveaway!

Scroll down for this week's CAS-ual Fridays Challenge!

Hey everybody!  Today, I get to give away a spot for Britta Swiderski's Design Principles class! It's just getting started over on her website, and I'm one of the guest designers! Here's a little bit more information on the class:

Design Principles is a class taught by Britta Swiderski where she shares the lessons she has learned in her college design classes and brings them to you in a language that we all speak – papercrafting! This class will nourish your understanding of good design and give you the ability to “talk design” when you see a card (or layout or advertisement or painting!) that gets your creativity flowing. This class consists of 5 and a half weeks of classes dedicated to making design part of your everyday life and creativity with more than 40 videos, dozens of card examples and a fun class setting that will inspire you on a daily basis.

To enter to win a seat in this class, comment below and I will draw a winner on Sunday evening. I can't wait to see you over at class. It's going to be a really fun time! If you already have a seat in the class, feel free to leave a comment - you can always gift your seat to a deserving friend!


  1. Thanks for the chance. The class sounds fabulous.

  2. Sounds great! I'd love the chance to win a spot!

  3. This class sounds great. Thanks for the chance to win a spot.

  4. This sounds like just the class I need. Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. This sounds like a great class! Thanks for the chance to win Laurie!

  6. Sounds like a great class! Thanks for the chance to win a spot.

  7. Very cool! I'll have to check it out, esp. if you are part of the class! :) Love your designs...

  8. I would totally love to take this class with you guest designing! sounds fun

  9. I would totally love to take this class with you guest designing! sounds fun

  10. Thanks for a chance to win a seat at class!!

  11. Now this is definitely the class I need. I'd love to win a spot:)

  12. That sounds like a wonderful class, I would love a chance to join!

  13. The class sounds very cool. Thanks for the chance to win.

  14. Thanks for the chance to win! God knows I need all the help I can get!

  15. this sounds like such a great class, Laurie! Thanks for the chance to win and congrats on the guest spot! I always learn so much looking at your cards :)

  16. This sounds way cool! There's always so much to learn :)

  17. Britta is so sweet to giveaway class spots. Thanks for the chance to win :)

  18. Sounds really wonderful - I could sure use it.

  19. sounds like a neat class...thanks for the chance to win!

  20. As a lover of clean and simple cards, this sounds like a very good class for me!! Thanks for a chance to win!

  21. Thank you for the opportunity . I'm always on the lookout to learn new techniques.

  22. The class looks great. I always enjoy Britta's porjects and videos. Looking forward to your guest appearance too!

  23. sounds like a really interesting class - thanks for the chace to win :-)

  24. What an interesting class! Pick me! Pick me!

  25. Hip-hip hooray, what an awesome giveaway! Thanks to both you and Britta for this wonderful opportunity!

  26. This class is just what I need - thanks for the opportunity to win a spot!

  27. The class sounds great. Thanks for the chance to win.

  28. I love the idea of learning proper design principles to apply to papercrafting! :-)

  29. Sounds like an amazing class! Thanks for the chance to win a spot.

  30. Oh this sounds like an amazing chance to expand my crafting knowledge - thanks so much for the chance x
    ((hugs)) Suzie xoxo

  31. Oooh this class sounds fantastic! Thanks for the chance of a seat.....This Aussie would love the opportunity!

  32. I'd love to win a spot, especially if you are guest designing!

  33. Sounds like a great class and just like something I need. Thanks for the chance.

  34. Sounds like a great class! I hope I'm the lucky one. :-)

  35. Sounds like a fabulous class by Britta ~ thanks for the chance to win a spot. Congrats, Laurie, on being a guest designer!

  36. Sounds like an awesome opportunity! Oh, how great it would be to be the lucky winner.


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