

Medallion Tutorial

Stopping in today with a fun little tutorial on how to make a Medallion out of a fence die.  Fun huh?  Don't you love it when your crafting supplies stretch?  Whoda thot right?  First off here is my medallion card...


All of the supplies you see here are from Clear and Simple.  Here is a list of what you need...

It's pretty easy to make but I thought I would show a few pics anyways!  

1. Cut out 2 fences...

2.  Fold up the fence accordion's so easy to do because of the "railings"...that is basically all that scoring done for you!

3.  Take a small piece of 1/8" double sided adhesive and add it to the ends of the fence....

4.Attach the ends... make a circle...

5.  Punch out 2-1" circles...

6.  Push center of fence down flat and adhere using a large glue dot.  I put one cirlce on each side...

7. Finished!  (You could make this into a smaller medallion too, just by cutting a little off the bottom!)

I added a Nestabilities Circle with the L onto the medallion.  Then I attached it to the stamped label with glue dots.


I tucked in some ribbon loops and put the whole thing on the impressed card front.  Oh and I added a little light gray Copic to the "L" for some dimension!  

I hope you like my card!  Let me know if you have any questions!  My blog is going to be a little quiet for awhile!  We have lots going on here!  First things first....the mountain of laundry...the never ending problem at my house and there is only 4 of us...whats up with that?!  hehe!

Have a great day!


  1. AWESOME tutorial, Laurie!! Love how you used the Fence die---totally creative! Love the sophisticated monogram design too!

  2. Oh for heaven's sake this it too CLEVER! The monogram is really elegant!!! Beautiful card Laurie!

  3. Shut the front door!! Hey girl you can send it my way I see a pretty little "L" on the front LOL! CUTE Laurie thanks for the fun tutorial!!

  4. Such a cool use of that fence die Laurie!

  5. Beautiful card, Laurie! So brilliant using the fence die like that!

  6. You can't even tell that it's a fence die! LOVE IT! :> Super clever idea! :> And lovely card! Have fun with laundry it's the worst!

  7. TOO. COOL. My brain doesn't work like that, but I love being inspired by yours!

  8. Great medallion! Love how you used the fence die to create it and a great card to showcase it :) Just conquered my mountain of laundry today, sheets and all - phew! Good for foru days at least now LOL!

  9. That is a wonderful idea, thanks for the tutorial!

  10. Beautiful card Laurie! I love the step by step tutorial.

  11. Hey, Laurie, this card is simply stunning and love the medallion using your fence die. That one is much longer than the PTI one I have. Created my first medallion the other day for PTI's June Blog Hop but doesn't compare to the beauty of yours. You can check it out here:

  12. My goodness, this is gorgeous! The tutorial makes me very interested in purchasing that fence die - its a LOVELY addition!

    Thank you so much for finding my CASE of your card on Splitcoast and taking the time out of your busy day to comment on it! I look forward to seeing your future creations!

  13. This is so stinking clever! Great card and tutorial, Laurie!

  14. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HOLY MOLY this is so awesome!

  15. You are a clever chickie, Laurie! Your card looks stunning and thanks so much for the tutorial and sharing your clever idea!

  16. This is so clever of you! Everyone is talking about extending their stamps - but I LOVE the idea of extending my dies!! Thanks so much for this idea [I NEVER would of thought of this!]

  17. What a fantastic technique Laurie, genius!

  18. Just too clever! What a fun it when a die can be used in more than one way. This card is so beautiful and the colors, just so stunning.

  19. Who would have guessed you could take a cute little fence and make something so elegant? Beautifully done, Laurie!

  20. Wonderful tutorial, way to make those supplies stretch! Beautiful monogram card!

  21. Gorgeous card! Love the tutorial! ;o)

  22. so pretty...clever the card layout too...

  23. Checked in while we are on vacation in San Antonio and what do I see but this amazing little floral card made with a fence die! How cool is that? What I wish is that the coolness of this card would translate into a real cool down! Temps here yesterday were 105 with even higher temps predicated for today!! Why did we pick this week to take our vacation?! Ha! Well thanks for the "cool" card anyway:)

  24. this is how you used the fence die...very clever...thanks for sharing..

  25. So cool....looks like a circle of clothes pegs actually!!
    Great way to use the die :0)
    Jenny x

  26. what a clever use of the fence die. So creative and beautiful.

  27. It's official. You're a genius!

  28. Wow! That is a very clever use for the fence die, and the card is just beautiful.

  29. Hi Laurie! What a fab idea! Thanks for all the effort with all the photos so we could get a really good idea how it is done! Hugs xxx

  30. You are so clever! Now I've got to bust out that die and try it myself!

  31. Love how you did this neat!

  32. Lovely card!! What a great idea! And you colors are perfect!!! :)

  33. your card is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks a lot for the tutorial, it's very kind of you!

  34. This is so cool! I love how you created the medallion and with a fence die! The impressed background is beautiful!


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