

Ahoy matey....

Good morning!  We have a new sketch today over at Retro Sketches!  First off, here is my card...


I colored something.  I know right?  I used Prismas and OMS in honor of my friend Suzanne, who I wish lived in Kansas because we talk and text enough she might as well.  :)  Anyway, I know she loves Prismas, so I had to pull them out.  I used to use them all the time but its been awhile.  I was also inspired to use this set because of Christina.  She posted about it recently, so again....I had to pull it out!  It'a pretty CAS but I am just excited that I actually colored something!  I keep staring at it thinking I should have added more to the white space.  Wondering if this card will end up as a redo.  LOL

OK enough is the sketch...

I hope that you can play along with us this week!  Here is another challenge on top of this one....color something!  :)  Have a great weekend!


  1. Your coloring looks fantastic, Laurie! I love that bright card base and all of the rounded corners. Thanks for the shout-out, too! I have a post going up later today with an image I think you might recognize. ;)

  2. LOVE it!! :)
    Suzanne said you had something going with some WMS...
    and it's a beauty!
    Perfect with that stripey paper...
    and the white space! ;)
    And your coloring is fabulous...
    that little submarine is perfect gunmetal grey! :)

  3. super cute card. Love the how the white makes that orange POP!

  4. This is DARLING!! love everything about it, Laurie!

  5. This is sooo cute! LOVE how clean and simple and perfect your designs are, hugs from a happy follower!

  6. Well look at your dabbling into the coloring! Super Duper cute card Laurie!!

  7. Sweet card, and perfect amount of coloring.

  8. This little guy always makes me smile :) Totally adorable card and use of the sketch. This one I can handle - upon my return from running from last weeks LOL!

  9. So cute! And also summery and fun--I love that striped paper and your colors! Good for your for breaking out the prismas--I need to do that too, it's been too long!

  10. I love the patterned paper you looks great with the card! The button is a sweet touch!

  11. Wonderful card, I wouldn't change a thing! I love how you colored your cute image and the fun colors you put with it.

  12. Hi Laurie! You're a sweetheart for stopping by my blog. I agree with Kara I wouldn't change a thing. It's a super CUTE card just the way it is!!! :)

  13. Super cute creation, Laurie! Great take on the sketch!

  14. What a fun card...just too cute. You really did a fabulous job on coloring that sub, just so adorable.

  15. Super CUTE card! Love the colors! ;o)

  16. I always plan to do e retro sketch challenge but never seem to get to it! What a great sample, Laurie! I so love the colouring and plan to try some tomorrow! Thanks for the reminder of how much fun it is! Hugs xxx

  17. Hee! Such a cute card - love the dimension of that cutie pie's face!

  18. You are so cute!!!

    YEE-HAW!!!! <-- Practicing in case I ever move to Kansas. LOL.

    I love it! LOVE LOVE LOVE the orange cardstock base. I have such a thing for bright colors.

  19. Too cute!! And the colors, orange even! Love it!


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