

Happy Holidays!

OK, so I posted a few fall, now lets jump straight over into Christmas again! I LOVE Christmas! Favorite holiday By far! I love traditions and my husband and I are having so much starting our own traditions! I really see so much of what I did as a child being brought over into our little family! My favorite is reading the Christmas Story on Christmas Eve. I really want to pass down the true meaning of Christmas to my kids!

I need to get going on Christmas cards too! This one is a CAS that would be super easy to "assembly-line-mass-produce"!


Copics for the quick and easy color, a ribbon treatment and of course a silver pearl! Easy peasy!


*A little shout out here to my BFF's!  I am so lucky to have you!  You always have the best most kindest words of encouragment for me when trying new things or just when I am having a bad day!  When people can be so discouraging....I am lucky to have you cancel all of that out!  Thanks for the phone calls and emails!  Love you girls!  You know who you are!  :)

Thanks for stopping in today! Have a great day!


Stamps: DeNami Christmas Trees and Sentiment
Paper: DeNami Red Cardstock, PTI Ripe Avocado, True Black and White
Ink: True Black
Misc: DeNami White Grosgrain, Silver Pearl, Rectangle Nestie, PTI Canvas IP


  1. Love it - simple but super nice.

  2. Simple and clean, yet with a fun twist. As always Laurie, you are on top of your game!
    Aren't BFFs the best?!

  3. LOVE THE RIBBON!!! You know how to do some CAS girly girl!!! This is just perfect~~ I find that we have been merging with us both bringing over stuff from our childhood and the one thing we started new is the the Standing Rib Roast with all the goodies that go with it. I have to say I made the greatest Christmas song book last year and we sit at the table and sing before we light the new candle during Advent.

  4. Love the CAS style you choose for this card. The ribbon treatment is perfect.

  5. CAS, for sure, but OH so cute. Love the texture on the green piece and the ribbon looks great done fancy like that. :)

  6. Yes I'm at work visiting your blog....:). Love the row of "trees" and the impressed panel behind them. Love this CAS layout too!

  7. Cute little trees! Very pretty CAS card! Love the little addition of the pearl, just finishes it off perfectly!

  8. Just a perfect Christmas card! Love these little trees!


  9. Love the impression plate background. This card is wonderful!

  10. Love your CAS style! This card is so adorable! :)

  11. Now I was lovin' your fall creations but now I fear I'm adorin' your Christmas ones mores so!!!
    I know where I'm headin' when I find the time to make my Christmas card *wink*

  12. What a great card Laurie! I just love it! The design and those cutie lil' trees are fabulous!

  13. Love the simplicity of this one Laurie!! another done for the christmas card stash!! :)


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