

MFT Color Challenge #114...

Welcome to the newest Color Challenge at MFT.  This week's colors are so pretty!  

I instantly saw a fun version of a rainbow so here is what I came up with....


I used the End of the Rainbow Die and just cut out the 4 challenge colors.  I added the rainbow to the front of the card base and then topped it off with the larges Rectangle Frame Die.  I used the cloud from the rainbow die set and stamped the sentiment in black ink.  I popped the cloud up on foam tape and added in a little heart above the sentiment.  


Head on over to the MFT Challenge Blog to see the details of this week's color challenge.  I hope you can play along too!

Have a great day!



Instagram: Laurie Willison (@laurie_willison)

Facebook: Soapbox Creations

All products in today's post are linked below and throughout the post.  These are my personal affiliate links which you can shop from at no cost to you!  :)  Thank you for supporting Soapbox Creations!  


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