

MFT Handmade Tags...

If you love making tags as much as I do, you are gonna love today's Holiday Tag Extravaganza over at MFT.  They have a new tag die set this month and lots of fun sentiment stamps that will al combine to make some adorable tags.  To follow in my CAS tradition, I used the Die-Namics Tag Builder Blueprints 4 to make these fun stitched tags.

MFT Christmas Tags

When it comes to holiday tags, you can go elaborate or when your in my shoes....and need quick and simple, you go the more easy route.  But simple and easy doesn't always mean plain.  I whipped these tags up in less than 5 minutes with some quick ink blending and the Hand Lettered Holiday stamp set.     I chose some fun Christmasy MFT colors and even included Delicata Gold ink.  See how awesome it blends too?  I topped each tag off with some black twine and done!  Now I am ready to start an assembly line and crank some more out.  

MFT Christmas Tags

I hope I have inspired you to create some quick, clean and simple tags.  Stop over to the MFT blog to see what the rest of the team has for today and don't forget to create some tags and play along!  Hope you have a great day!


  1. So pretty with the ink blending and elegant sentiments!

  2. Simple and perfect! Just my style.

  3. What a fantastic CAS set of cards. I love the inking/masking!

  4. These are absolutely FABULOUS, Laurie!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!!


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