

Hello there...

I was so tickled to be invited along on a special blog hop to honor a friend and her new little one!  Jinny Newlin just had a gorgeous baby bow and we wanted to shower her with cards today.

You may not now this, but Jinny and I have known each other since we were little.  We didn't realize that until recently.....long story and you can read it HERE....but it is very cool how we found each other and didn't even realize that we already knew each other.  Confusing I know...but such a fun story.

Anyway, I want to send huge hugs and contraulations to BJ, Jinny, Ezekiel and Adina on the addition to their family!  What an amazing gift from God!  Here is a little card, just to say hi...


I bad a banner and stamped the sentiment and then sewed down the edge.  I added in the die cut from my Silhouette.  I kept it simple by layering all on some blue striped paper.  


And then a tiny duck to finish it off.

Here are the rest of the girls with some hello wishes for little Kaden!  Thank you so much for stopping by and Jinny, I can't wait to see you again...and that new little guy!  Congrats!!


  1. Wow wow wow!!!! This is BEAUTIFUL!!! I loveeeeeeeee that sentiment!! And so cool that you have known her for so long!!!!! Thanks so much for being a part of this for Jinny!!!

  2. Laurie, this is absolutely beautiful. I love the sentiment with the sweet little touch of vellum. Perfection!

  3. Gorgeous card. Love that vellum with stitching and the way you cut out the sentiment.

  4. Adorable card Laurie, love the tiny duck!

  5. totally adorable.. she is going to love it

  6. Fabulous card! I just love the lettering!

  7. What a sweet card Laurie. Love the vellum tag and the white on blue die-cut word.

  8. I remember reading the story about you and Jinny--really cool how life works! Love the Silhouette die cut, I need to dust off my machine!

  9. Thank you so much, Laurie! What a blessing you all are! Such a beautiful card in perfect Laurie-style! Yum! Looking forward to seeing you and your beautiful family again, too. Hugs!

  10. LOVE this!!!! Just fabulous girl!!!


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