

Smile take 2...

Have you seen this camera stamp from DeNami?'s fabulous!   I made this card back in 2011 and have loved it ever since.  So much so, that it sits on my shelf all by itself.  It's just that cute!

So here is the oldie from 2011...


And here is my smile take 2...


I hand cut this cork banner and added a little polka paper in behind.  I felt like I needed some color, so the camera came out pink!  :)  That adorable little sentiment is from a petite four called Hearfelt Greetings.  I have always loved this font!  So cute!


Hope you are having a great week!  Today is my little ones first day of Preschool.  I am not going to lie.  Today I will have 2 or so hours of quiet and I want to do a little happy dance.  At the same time, I am going to miss his sweet face.  He's my baby and I can't believe he's getting so big.  I have decided to hold him back in preschool this year because he is so young, so I feel like I get one more year of him being little.  That is a bonus!  :)

Alright, have a great day! Thanks for stopping in!


  1. You're right - the camera image is awesome. I really like the touch of warmth that the cork brings to the card - it's great!

  2. Love it Laurie - the colours are fab xxx

  3. I really like BOTH cards. Hope you enjoy your two hour break!

  4. They're both great Laurie, who wouldn't love to own a pink camera!! Enjoy your quiet time :)

  5. Love them both! The cork is such a great texture!

  6. loving the first one! So cute! And I love the tiny heart in the lens! How adorable. :)

  7. You know how to make this girl soon as I spot a DeNami stamp on your blog, you can bet I'm pinning it shortly thereafter. :) LOVED your first card and your second one is just as cute!

    Enjoy your two hours of quiet! Wish I could be there so we can have some girl chat and giggles!

  8. OH I love them both! I do admit that I like the pink camera a little better though. :) That cork banner is perfect too!

  9. Denami cuteness! Love the updated pink camera--so sweet!


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