

Curtain Call...

When I think back to my early days of blogging, I think of a certain challenge that I loved to play along with.  I know you will remember it too.  Does the Curtain Call ring a bell?  Well guess what?  
It's coming back!  Yay!

I am thrilled to share today that I get to be a part of it this time around!  Stacey has already shared a few of the new team and there are a couple more days until the challenge goes live.  

I hope you will stay tuned and play along!

Have a great day!


  1. An incredible team - my jaw dropped when I saw the full list!!!! xxx

  2. Congrats! I loved this challenge way back too! Glad to see it's back!

  3. Lucky they are to have you, my friend :)

  4. YAY so happy for you Laurie, congrats!

  5. Wow, I can't wait to see the rest of the team ... it's already "dream team" material and there's more than half the team left to reveal! Looking forward to your first challenge!!

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  7. Congratulations, Laurie! So happy for you, my dear! Hugs!


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