

Retro Sketches...

Please scroll down to see my Clear and Simple Party Hop post...

Hello there!  It's Saturday already and another week has just flown by!  I am ok with that because that means we are one week closer to summer!  How many of you are knee deep or more in snow right now?  We aren't here but it is pretty cold out.  Definitely makes for some good crafty time right?

Alright, here is my card for this week's  Retro sketch....


I used some Doodlebug Lovebirds paper on this card...a gift from my sweet friend Amy!  And, of course, you can see I changed up the sketch just a tiny bit.  I had to use the same elements, I just layered them a little differently.  The sketch is based off of my original card you can see HERE.  I had to bring back in that same wooden heart!

Here is this week's sketch...

I hope you get a chance to play along!  Check out the Retro blog to see what Kasia, Kim and Arielle have for you too!  Thanks for swinging by today!  Have a great weekend!


  1. Love this Laurie! So many fun details, not least the circling of the number 14! Awesome card!

  2. Brilliant :) Great card as always :)

  3. This is so cute. I love how you have 14 circled and enclosed in the heart.

  4. Great card for the challenge!! Love how you circled the 14!
    Thanks for your blog visit :)

  5. Clever little touch with the number 14 circled!!! Very sweet card Laurie, love it!

  6. This is FAB! Love how you used the ledger paper, and circled the 14 for valentine's day!

  7. Laurie, this is an adorable Valentine's Day card. Your paper is so cute and looks fabulous with that sweet heart.

  8. Very cute! Love the heart frame!

  9. Perfect take on the sketch, Laurie! I love how the heart is around the "14"!


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