

Today is the day!!!

OH my goodness, this day is finally here!  I am over the moon that Clear and Simple Stamps Collection 5 release is here!  Why you ask?  Well, something I made here a few years ago, has become a real life stamp!  Or should I say stamps!    

If you follow my blog, you may remember me talking about my fun foam cloud stamps.  I cut these out years ago, attached them to these acrylic blocks and have always had them right on top of my craft table so I could grab them at any can see the ink and mess right? :)

So fast forward to earlier this year when Nicki texted me about making my clouds into a set!  What?  Really?  OK!  I sketched out some things that I thought would be fun additions to my little fun foam stamps, including patterned clouds and some cute sentiments....

I stamped out and traced my cloud shapes and sent them into Nicki.  That is where Stephany and Nicki worked their magic and created Cloudy Day, Cloudy Day SentimentsClouds Combo Die set and Imprints 3.

 I am so excited that my little fun foam clouds have become real stamps and dies!  To see them become stamps has been so much fun!  I have to thank the team at Clear and Simple Stamps, with a special thanks to Stephany and Nicki for taking my designs, and making them a reality!   They have added in a couple more fun cloud shapes, a cloud border and an awesome set of dies!  The dies are even more fun because (as you can see in my note) I asked them if the dies could work like Clear and Simple's current Shapes line, where all the dies are different sizes and have frame stamps included!  Yes cloud frame stamps!!  

I went completely overboard and made tons of cloud cards, so I am going to share a few with you here today!  This first cloud using the Sunburst background stamp and the clouds dies from the set.  These clouds are actually my first fun foam clouds.  I love seeing them in die form.  They look so fluffy!  The sentiment is from Cloudy Sentiments!


This next cloud card is super simple!  I used a fun blue card stock that I found at my local print shop, added in a little white ink distressing on the edges and the attached 2 flat bottom clouds, framed with stickles.  This sentiment is also from Cloudy Day Sentiments.  If you look closely, you can see Nicki and Steph added in stitched lines to these 2 cloud dies!  Fun huh?


This next card uses some of the cloud stamps.  These polka dots are fabulous and the stamps really provides such a great image!  I used the fence die, grass die and the little bird die, all from CSS.  The tab sentiment comes from All Occasions 2 and the tab is actually a new die this month too, Rounded Squares Combo.  This card is a 5 1/2 x 3" card...kinda fun!


See the background of this card?  That is a new imprint plate!  A Sunburst!  I layered up some clouds and a sun and topped it off with a sentiment banner....


One more....long post I know! Thanks for hanging in here with me!  I used a flat bottom cloud in kraft and then ran it through with another new imprint plate....Woodgrain!  How fun is that?  I layered it up with some Washi Tape and then added in the sentiment using CSS's Simple Cuts Lowercase dies.


Ok, I'll be done now!  I realized I only showed you one card with an actually cloud stamp so come back again soon!  I have more stamped clouds to share! 

  Here is the fun part!  CSS is giving me a set to give away!!  Leave a comment for your chance to win one of 4 things...and here they are to see!!

 I am so happy you came by and I can't wait to hear what you think.  The DT is showcasing these sets and several others today!  I, personally, can't wait to see them!  

Don't forget to leave comment!  I will leave it open until Friday, October 12th at 11:59pm CST.  I will pick 4 winners on Saturday, October 13th!  

Thanks for coming by! Have a great day!


  1. You go girl!! How fun! Great sets and samples :)

  2. I really like the clean look of your cards! I've been looking for a set of cloud stamps for a while - hope I win!

  3. OMG, Laurie, this is totally awesome! Can't believe I see an impression plate of clouds and rays of sunshine as one of your giveaways. The Cloud Day Sentiments are perfect for filling in the gaps in my stamping arsenal. Polka Dot clouds are very cool. Love all that you showed today. Thanks for the chance to win, Laurie!

  4. I'm so happy for you Laurie, what a fabulous stamp and die combo.... just perfect for CAS cards :0)
    Jenny x

  5. Wow! Congrats!! You must be over the moon.. how exciting! I'm totally digging the sentiments.. so cute. Love everything!

  6. Contractulations!! The sets are so super-cute - I admire your creativity! When I saw them this morning they moved on top of my wishlist immediately. Your cards are brilliant, I can't believe that I haven't found your blog earlier. Wish you lots of time crafting and endless ideas for new projcets :-)

  7. OMG, Laurie!!!!! These are AWESOME!!! SO EXCITED for you, girl!!! Sooooo cool that I had a few minutes to check out your blog today!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!! Putting these on my wish list for when we return to the States!!!!! HUGS to you!!! And CONGRATS again!!!!

  8. Congrats Laurie!!! These are all so perfect. Cloud dies and stamps are a bit of an obsession for me *ahem* and these will all fit nicely with the others. Awesome great to have YOUR designs come to life. Happy for you :)

  9. How EXCITING for you Laurie - gorgeous fun stamps & dies!! Huge Congrats they all look FAB :)

  10. Awesome Laurie! How exciting to see your foam stamps become a reality. Awesome stamps/dies and awesome cards from an awesome card maker! Congrats again.

  11. Wow, how exciting Laurie! Congrats! They are fabulous by the way too!

  12. OMG! How exciting! You've come up with great sentiments to go with your clouds. A BIG congrats to you, Laurie.

  13. Laurie you are incredible! LOVE LOVE LOVE these clouds and your cards are absolutely wonderful, can't wait to see some more!

  14. Very pretty cards!! Love the sentiments too!! Thanks for the chance to win!
    sierrababy08 at hotmail dot com

  15. Amazing! The stamp sets are great and your cards are beautiful! Congratulations - such a wonderful achievement!

  16. Congratulations... I really love your clouds and can't wait to get my hands on them.I look forward to seeing what you design next.

  17. Wow! Each and every card is absolutley cute. You can do so much with the cloud image!

  18. Amazing cards!! I love that you couldn't contain your creativity and made tons of cloud cards! I'm so happy for you. I love your clouds! Your write up is so great and that background in each photo is so impressive! Great pics!!!

  19. Eeeeek! I am SO excited for you! So many wonderful bits and pieces to the Cloud collection, and I am pretty sure I will need them all! Love the patterned clouds, the dies, and the imprint plate! SO fun! Congratulations my friend! Hugs!!

  20. Congratulations! Awesome clouds! :)

  21. Yeah Laurie! That is fantastic news, and your samples are incredible! So so cute!

  22. How exciting! Love them all... the dotted one is adorable! Your card samples are adorable!

  23. This is so awesome!!! Congrats girl.

  24. CONGRATS!!!! I'm in SO much trouble this month! I want it all. I just adore clouds and these are SO cute. You can never EVER have enough clouds!

  25. Congrats on these designs. They are all cute and as you show so versatile.

  26. WOW, congrats Laurie!!! This is so exciting! Love your clouds and such great sentiments! Yay!!!

  27. Congrats, Laurie! I'm so happy for you. These sets are great!

  28. A huge congratulations my friend, Laurie! I am very happy for you. Gorgeous set. Looking forward to buying them:) Your projects are awesome as always.

  29. YAY for you Laurie and a big congrats! Love all of the cards you've shared today too!

  30. Congrats on your stamp sets! They look awesome!

  31. Congrats to you, how exciting!! I just love all your cards. So glad you made a bunch.

  32. Woot! TODAY is the day!! So happy for you... those clouds are going to favorites on SO many stampers desks!! Congrats, friend!!

  33. Congratulations on all of the cloud sets and additions. Everything looks so fun! I really like the patterned clouds and the sentiments are a perfect addition.

  34. Oh my goodness Laurie!! You have just created a set that I have been looking for for ages! I absolutely LOVE them! I love the sayings and the fonts you used in the sentiments set. I love those adorable clouds and I love that you have such a huge variety of them. Ahhh!! I need to own everything you posted today.

    Congratulations on the stamp set. I hope this is just the first of many to come in the future! xoxo

  35. So awesome, Laurie!! Congratulations!! Great design ideas!!

  36. how exciting...congratulations Laurie...

  37. Congratulations! These sets are fantastic and the cards you created with them are amazing. Thanks so much fur the opportunity to possibly win.

  38. Congrats!!! The cards are super cute!

  39. Oh, how stinkin' cute, Laurie! CONGRATULATIONS! What an adventure!

  40. CONGRATULATIONS Laurie! How exciting for you! So so cool! Love these and thanks to you and CSS for the chance to win some!

  41. How much fun is it to have something you design made into a stamp? I love them!

  42. Oh, wow, Laurie, I am just so excited for you! Congratulations on your stamp set (& accessories!)
    And I love the cards you made with them, too!

  43. Yay, Laurie! So happy to see your ideas come to life! Big congrats!

  44. exciting for you, your cards are lovely.!!Thanks for the chance to win some!!!

  45. Congrats friend! I am really excited for you! These all look so cute! Now to decide which ones to get...maybe I'll be lucky and win!! :)

  46. I love all the CLOUDS and had no idea you were behind it!!! That is so great to see something you created come full circle. You are awesome, can't wait to see what you have in store next!!!

  47. How exciting! Huge congrats to ya, girlie! Love the set and dies as well as your samples!

  48. How cool to have your ideas become stamps and dies, you certainly out did yourself with so many fun patterns of cloud stamps.

  49. What fun cards and great stamps!
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  50. How exciting for you Laurie! Your clouds are wonderful! Thanks for sharing, and congratulations :)

  51. Wooooo Hoooooo!! I LOVE THEM!! Such fun sets!! And your projects are the bomb diggity as usual! :) Congratulations Laurie!! So happy for you! :)

  52. So exciting! Congratulations, these are all awesome!

  53. Congrats, Laurie!! DARLING samples!!

  54. OMG Laurie, these are so cute. Congrats!

  55. OMG this is so cool. A Big Congrats to you. Love your samples. Would love to win the sets. Thanks.

  56. Your stamp sets are adorable. I am glad that you didn't ask us to choose a favorite. That would be hard to do since they are all so adorable.

  57. YAYYYYYY! I am SOOO excited for you! These sets are absolutely PERFECT- and dies, too! SO awesome! SO happy and excited for you! :)

  58. Congrats! That's so awesome and I love all your cards.

  59. Congrats! They are all so cute. I wouldn't know which one to play with first. I love all of them.

  60. Congrats!! They are adorable and how awesome to have your own stamps! I can say I knew you when...You are so freakin' talented and awesome, girlfriend!

  61. Yeah!! I'm so happy for you, Laurie! You deserve it! These stamps/dies/ip are adorable and so are your cards. How exciting!!

  62. First of all congrats having released your own collection of stamps is awesome. All the cards and ideas are lovely I specially love the first card and the last one.

  63. How fun to see "your" creation come to life! Cute images with fun sentiments~

  64. I AM JUST SO STINKIN' PROUD OF YOU!! Your craftiness and imagination never cease to amaze me! These stamps are unbelievably cute! Congratulations!

  65. Oh my gosh! How exciting to have your own ideas in stamp and die form!! The dies and stamps are very cute as well as the fun sentiments.

  66. congrats on those amazing sets and your samples look just as good :)

  67. Congratulations! I love your clouds - and great cards.

  68. Congratulations! These are amazing sets---I just love the sentiments! Thanks for a chance to win.

  69. Holy canolies!!! AND WooHooHooie!!! This is absolutely amazing!!! Huge congratulations! I am uber guber excited for you!!!!!!!!! ;o)
    Oh, and BTW, you still need to post something on your blog that sucks! Love all of these!

  70. Laurie!! These are so stinkin' cute and the sentiments you thought up are just perfect!

  71. This is plain awesome! I am so happy and excited for you! Love these stamps and dies! So cool!

  72. These are just awesome so are your cards! How exciting.... Congrats!

  73. These are AMAZING! I love your clouds! Congratulations!

  74. Wow!! This is sooo cool!! Congrats!!!

  75. Such awesome news!!! I've always enjoyed seeing your projects with the clouds, and the new ones you shared today are just as lovely! Congrats!!!

  76. Wow! How awesome!! Congrats to you! I just love your blog and all your fabulous creations! Now you have a super fun stamp set? I love the stamps/sentiments/and dies! They will make a great addition to my stamp collection! Clouds are so much fun!

  77. Laurie!!!! These are absolutely fabulous!!! How exciting!!! Congrats to you!!!! I love those clouds and stamps!!!! Perfect!!!!


  78. WooHoo! congratulations! Great set!

  79. Oh I think your clouds are so fun Laurie!! Congrats on having these made into stamps!

  80. yay! this is so exciting, congrats! your samples are gorgeous ; )

  81. WOW! That's wicked awesome, Laurie. Congrats! Love the clouds - the stamps and the dies. The cards are adorable, of course. :)

  82. Cute cute clouds. Thanks for the chance.

  83. Saw this on Facebook, and clearly, I am out of the loop with you - which makes me so sad. My Google reader is backed up too!
    CONGRATULATIONS! I am thrilled for you. I haven't purchased anything in months, but your sets will be mine. Just so I can say - hey I know the person who did this! So thrilled for you, my friend!

  84. How exciting, Laurie! Congratulations and they are fun!

  85.! I love what I see here and huge CONGRATS to you! I can't even imagine how you are feeling today with all these wonderful comments about your designs! You have such a nack for design!

  86. ooooooooh, these are SO cute!!! :) I hope I'm a lucky winner!

  87. BIG congrats, Laurie! Love your fun and cheery. The sentiments are awesome and I'm lovin' those impression plates!

  88. I'm so excited for you! Love the clouds and dies--they're so fun to use! Your projects are fabulous. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you create with these new goodies!

  89. That is BEYOND AWESOME, Laurie!!! So happy for you!!! Super cute set and dies. You rock!!! Congrats!!!

  90. Congtats, Laurie!! I'm so happy for you :)
    Fantastic sets...just like you! Miss you!

  91. Congtats, Laurie!! I'm so happy for you :)
    Fantastic sets...just like you! Miss you!

  92. Love the great variety in the clouds... can't wait to get them inky! Love all your cards too.

  93. Congrats these dies, stamps and impression plates are great. They would work well with hot air balloon stamps too. Thanks for a chance to win!

  94. That is way cool Laurie. Congratulations on such a terrific bunch of sets.

  95. Congrats on your Clouds Stamp Set! I can only imagine what a delight it must be to see something you have enjoyed so long become a useful and delightful product for the rest of us. I'm so happy for you!

  96. Congrats, Laurie! I'm so happy for you!! I love the clouds, and also the awesome sentiments too. :)

  97. The clouds are so cute. Glad your dream got to become a reality.

  98. Fun CAS cards!!Your design is fab! Congratulations!!

  99. I would LOVE to have one of these sets. You are so awesome for giving us the chance to win. Thank you

  100. Congrats! These are simply fabulous. Love all your samples. Thanks for the chance to win.

  101. Hooray! I'm so happy to see your little clouds make their way into production. Nicki and Stephany are fantastic that way!

  102. Laurie, this is the best news!! How amazing that something you created turned into a real stamp/die...I just love them! I especially love the woodgrain in the kraft cloud :)

  103. how exciting! so happy for you...your cloud sets are so fun and fabulous:)

  104. So so happy for you, dearie!!! These projects ROCK!! For reals...though.

  105. I. AM. So. Stinkin' excited for you!!! Oh my gosh, what fun and incredibly cool stamps! Congratulations Laurie :) Enjoy every second of it :)

  106. Hahahaha, I couldn't stop smiling at the fun foam stamps :) It's so awesome to see your own designs translate to stamps and die cuts isn't it?

  107. Congrats, chica! You must be thrilled and deservedly so! These are amazing designs. I'm so excited for you new little venture - wishing you oodles of success!! XOXO

  108. congratulations!!! I love this collection.

  109. Congratulations! How exciting for you!!

  110. Many congratulations. I am thrilled for you. They are great sets - love that there are dies to go with the stamps, and the sentiments are just super!

  111. Oh how exciting to see your set come to life! Congrats! The clouds look awesome!

  112. Heartfelt congrats again, Laurie! What an amazing success for you! Of course I LOVE them all!

  113. Great set!!! But oh dear, I've just received a huge parcel from Clear & Simple so it will be a while before I put in another order - I'll just have to be patient :)

  114. This is so fabulous! I love this set! How exciting this must be for you!

  115. Your cards are amazing!!! Love the designs!


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