

Winner Day!!

Stopping in tonight with the winners from the Shaped Up Blog hop and the winner of the Design Principles class with Britta Swiderski! 

First off, the winners from the Blog hop!  The winner of the Card Creations Volume 10 is....

Blogger Lalo said...
simple, bright, and happy!!!
July 23, 2012 4:37 PM

The winner of the Hero Arts stamp set is....
 Blogger Bethany said...

SO cute! I love that sweet little banner with the baker's twine!
July 27, 2012 11:40 AM

And last but not least, the winner of the seat in Britta's Design Principles class is...
 Blogger Susie said...

Sounds really wonderful - I could sure use it.
July 27, 2012 11:24 AM

Congrats to all the winners!  Please send me your address and I can get your prizes out to you!  Susie please send me your email address and I can pass that on to Britta!  

Thank's to everyone who left comments!  Have a great day!


  1. I just received all of the class info this morning. Thank you SO MUCH!!! I really needed this class. Hard to believe all of the information Britta is offering in the class. Thank you, again.

  2. woop woop!!!! I don't have a copy of this mag so happy to see it!!!


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