

Happy Monday!

If you have a second, stop over to the sweet Paulina's blog. She has a little Q&A with me today!

Click HERE to check it out!

Also if you haven't seen the latest DeNami release, stop over to the DeNami blog. Lots of super cute stuff too see there!

Hope you are all doing well! Just getting home from a pretty fantastic Colorado vaca! We went to a Rockies game and saw the most amazing fireworks show! We also visited the Butterfly Pavilion and did a little camping in our "new to us" camper! :)It's been a great week!

Stay tuned for Clear and Simples July/August release coming up on July 5th! You're gonna love it!

Trying to add a few pics from my phone! Hoping they show up! Also I apologize if my links don't work...I'm blogging from my phone! Have a great day!


  1. So happy you've had a fun vacation Laurie! Your little ones are so SUPER cute. And look at your daughter with that big ol' creepy hairy spider...EEEK!!! She's braver that I would be ;)

  2. Your daughter is brave!!! Next time, pencil me in the schedule ;)

  3. Looks like you are having tons of fun :)

  4. Awesome photos!!! And you definitely have a "mini me" daughter and your son is so cute. Thanks for the links.
    Glad someone's vacation went well...ours not so much:)

  5. Looks like you had a great time..minus the way! Loved learning more about you on Paulina's blog too :)

  6. Fabulous vacation pictures Laurie, looks like you guys had a blast!

  7. Great vacation pics, Laurie, and LOVED your interview with Paulina. Feel like I know you even better now and perhaps some day we can meet in person. BTW, your kids are adorable! Obviously you weren't near the fires in Colorado ~ lucky you.


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