

CAS-ual Fridays #57

I'm kinda excited about this weeks challenge!  I had lots of ideas and no time.  (Busy busy with ball and important stuff like going to the pool! hehe!) ;)  SO when I put my first card together, I was happy it worked!  This week we are supposed to use something "clear"...vellum, acetate etc.  So here is my card using a little vellum...

CAS-ual Fridays #57

...and sand!  That's right!  I figured if glitter would work, then sand should too, right?  I added 3 strips of half inch score tape and then went out to the sand box!  B kept saying, "Mommy why are you putting sand on your paper?"  lol.  I added the vellum wrapped sentiment and some flip these new dies!!  

So that is it for today!  Here is this weeks challenge badge...

Karolyn Loncon is our sponsor this week so head on over at the CFC blog and you can check out this week's prize!  Can't wait to see what you create! Thanks for coming by!


  1. This is too dang the sentiment stamped on the vellum and the sand looking paper, just so sweet. Now I want to go to the pool too.

  2. Just realized that is real sand...too cute!

  3. I LOVE IT! So cute and so love the sand!I am so going to have to try this! :>

  4. HaHa! The "soap box" has become the "sand box"! Very cute and in my faves!

  5. My luck I'd find something else in my sandbox! LOL I can't wait til my little flip flop dies come in! Love the addition of the tiny hearts on them!

  6. This is too clever, Laurie :) Love it!

  7. This is so amazing. Why did I never think to get real sand. I live in a beach town, for goodness sake. I've probably got a pile in the garage now with all the sand pails and shells. Super cute use of those flip flops, too.

  8. I can't believe that's real sand! Too COOL, Laurie! Perfect palette for the card, too . . . summery and patriotic and happy! :-)

  9. Oh my goodness. Seriously love this...the red, white, blue and sand :) are awesome together. I think I need a pair of the striped flip flops :)!

  10. Adorable and so clever using real sand!! I can't wait to get my hands on that flip flop & die set.

  11. This is BRILLIANT Laurie! The real sand looks so perfect! I Love the sentiment on the vellum too! I'm flipping over this!!!

  12. That sand is so cool! Clean white card on both sides of it - amazing. Love when a card comes out right the first time, yeah!

  13. Another ADORABLE card! Love the sand! I'm not sure if you've already posted about this on your blog, but I would LOVE to know more about your lighting/photography set-up for your cards. It's consistently stunning. Thanks!

  14. Going to copy the whole stinking thing cuz I adore it so much, remember, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

  15. You are brilliant girl! Love the sand. We just took down our pool and there is a little sand left on the ground from the filter. I'm bagging that stuff up and saving it..haha.

  16. This card screams summer the real sand too!

  17. Absolutely love this!! The flip flops are adorable and well done with the sand :)

  18. WOW Laurie...this is so creative! I LOVE that you used sand on your card! The flip flops look so cute too!

  19. I'm flipping for those flops! Awesome look Laurie.

  20. What a fantastic card! I love the sand paired with the classic nautical colors.

  21. Amazing! Your flip flops are so cute and I love that you added real sand!!

  22. OMG, Laurie! This is SO AMAZING! Top it off with the red, white, and blue flip flops, EEEEK! So creative and fun!

  23. Fantastic card! How creative to use some sand, and so perfect!

  24. Love the beachy scene! The sand was a great idea! It would be a fun surprise for someone in the mail!

  25. Hi Laurie and wow, this is fantastic! Became your latest follower straight away! hugs, judit x

  26. Ha! I can just picture you in the sandbox creating this beauty LOL! Way to work a fabulous new medium!

  27. How can you not love those flip flops Laurie, great card.

  28. You are TOO much with your REAL sandpaper! Get it, sandpaper?! Those flip-flops and the sentiment are just outrageous! You are Uber Designer!!

  29. Sweet card! Love the sand & flip flops! ;o)

  30. Those are the cutest flip flops! Great job....

  31. Oh my gosh, real sand on your card?!?!?! What a fabulous idea, Laurie! Love the story of the kids' confusion :) I just ordered the flip flop set because everyone has been doing such awesome things with it!

  32. You are so crafty-crazy like that, and I love it!!

  33. Love it!! This is wonderful, as always!

  34. This is awesome I love the flip flops with the sand!!!


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