

A berry fun idea...

So, my friend Suzanne and I have been texting this week about our new favorite purchase!  (Aren't all purchases  "favorites"?  lol!)  I just got THIS set from WPlus9 in the mail on Friday and was so excited, I texted her yesterday and said to her...make something quick!  Let's post together on Sunday!  That's a fun challenge right?

Here is the card I whipped up for today...


Along with the Fresh Picked set, I got the dies too.  I love this little window included in the set!  I stamped the window in PTI's Dark Chocolate and the strawberries in Pure Poppy.  The leaves are Amuse Fern.  (I haven't said before that Amuse ink is the greatest ever have I?)  I used PTI's scalloped border on the white cardstock and because I have no idea how to use that thing without getting a big embossed line on the edge, I ran the cardstock through with the Linen IP.  If you have any suggestion on how to use that scalloped border and not get a big line in your cardstock....please let me know!  :)

I can't wait to see what the sweet, Suzanne has made up with her new set!  Click HERE to see her blog!  (We skyped yesterday for a little and her accent is soooo cute!!  She's coming to see me in a few months and I can't wait!!)

Alright!  We are off to play outside!  Hope you are all doing well!  Have a great Sunday!


  1. Ok, now that I get to see it on the big screen I am utterly amazed and cannot figure out for the life of me where you got stuck making this. And since you mentioned my accent, you get a WICKED AWESOME for this!!!

    I LOVE that you went with dark brown. PTI's brown is my favorite, BTW (ink too) because of how deep a color it is. Love that we both went with the strawberries too! We'll need a redo with blueberries for sure; they're my fave.

    You were the best for thinking of this, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intimidated or nervous, Laurie! But thank you, it really was fun!


  2. What a fun idea you had. I love your card--it is perfect in every way. That dark brown with the green and red strawberries is such a gorgeous color combo.

  3. Such a great idea for a challenge between the two of you Laurie! You girls are too cute, I love how you text each other about this stuff! Great card, very you - and how convenient that you had to use that impression plate because of the groove left by the die, lol! ;o)

  4. Love the brown...
    sets the red and greens off!!
    Such a fabulous card...
    but they always are! :)
    And her accent IS adorable...
    so Boston!! :)
    I can't wait to meet her IRL soon too! :)
    Wish all of y'all could come!

  5. I LOVE this set as well. Living in Canada, however, it takes longer to get to me even with Dawn's super sonic shipping. I will be casing this card as soon I get my goodies. Amazing card!

  6. Great card! That dark brown down the side reminds me of dipping strawberries in chocolate LOL! Fabulously done.

    I get the line too when I use that die but what just came to mind is whether slipping a sheet of photocopy paper under the edge if it would be enough to stop the line? May have to go check it out to see if it works LOL! If not, let me know what you find out.

  7. WHat a great idea to do a card together! Such a talented duo!!

    Beautiful card! I love how you did that embossed, raised and scalloped panel. Fabulous as always!!

    That Amuse ink looks incredible. I do wish we could get their stuff in Canada.

  8. That is super fun that you and Suzanne did this at the same, love, love both of your creations...and you know I love the touch of texture from the linen impression plate. Gorgeous!

  9. Oh wow this card is wonderful! Love the cluster of stamps and the texture on the cardstock. Perfection! And your photography rocks!

  10. Perfection on this darling summer card Laurie! When you get an answer on the die situation PLEASE post it!!!

  11. I adore your card, I love the bright red berries. What fun you and Suzanne must have had Skyping.

  12. Oh my gosh Laurie I love love LOVE this card!! I ordered this adorable set and cannot wait to get it!

  13. beautiful! I love the color combo and that frame. Gorgeous!

  14. Super cute card!! I LOVE that frame!!

  15. Seriously! I love this. Just love it. Using the impression plate was genius in hiding the "dent" from the border die. This is why I haven't done borders yet. That dent drives me crazy. Gotta figure out a design that works around that. Hmmm.

  16. I love it! Such a pretty card! So love your clean design :> And fun to see you used the stamps you were talking about!

  17. So fun, Laurie! LOVE that deep, rich brown! And I'm thinking that impression plate needs to be mine ;). Hugs!

  18. Great fun way to challenge yourselves! Love your new goodies. Not sure about the line, but perfect way to hide it! Sweet card!

  19. wow this is awesome...I love those berries and those leafs are so pretty...great the scalloped edge..

  20. Absolutely gorgeous. It's amazing to be how clear your ink comes out! It looks like a die cut! Beautiful.

  21. I love that you guys had a challenge, how cool! Your card is gorgeous as usual. I'm trying to resist this set but you guys are making it tough. ;)

  22. Stunning card. Love the texture you added! Sorry, no advice on the unintentional line that appears. But LOVE the sets this round from Wp9. Stunning little jelly jar and fruits!

  23. ooh...very pretty! I love the scallops and the CAS design looks great! Those strawberries look so good!

  24. This is just a beautiful card! I love your layout and colors....looks like the berries and leaves are easy to stamp on the die cuts. I'm so disapointed that I couldn't get in on this little challenge the other day! You and Suzanne did a great job!

  25. The brown looks so great peeking out from behind the huge scallops! This was such a great idea to have the two of you make cards with this great new set :) You are going to love Suzanne just as much in person as you did on Skype! :)


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