


Stopping by with a quick card tonight! I just recently purchased Modern Basics because of Debby! Yes it's her fault! She makes the most amazing cards with this set (and with every set she has ever touched)  and that did me in!  So in my cart it went!  And here is my first card using this set...


I stamped the vines in Amuse Grass Ink...the PERFECT Simply Chartreuse match and the flowers are in PTI's Pure Poppy!  I cut each strip and then attached them onto another piece of white card stock.  When that was all cut and ready, I attached that to a layer of Pure Poppy with foam tape and then onto the card base!  The "Hello" is also from Modern Basics!  Such a cute and simple little sentiment!  To finish it off, I twisted some Twinery Twine together and tied a bow....topping that off with a red flower and black pearl!

I can't wait to hear what you think!  Hope you are having a great day!  Thanks for coming by!


  1. Fantastic card!!!! Perfect stamping!!

  2. Fantastic card!!!! Perfect stamping!!

  3. OMG!!! Laurie I LOVE this!!


  4. What a great effect! I love this card! Fresh colors too. :)

  5. This card is incredible. I think you should be on the design team. I absolutely love it. I like how you cut each strip of the modern basics border, and I love the green with red.

  6. Fantastic! I love the splash of red! Your cards are always gorgeous!

  7. Oh, Laurie! This is stunning! Love the added flowers to the vines. Thanks for making this set shine!

  8. WOW, Laurie, this card is beautiful. Your strips of paper using Modern Basics vines in green with red flowers really pops. The twisted twine, flower and brad will finish it off nicely. Fabulous creation!

  9. Ooooooh! I love the little red flower accents, perfection! :)

  10. This is just beautiful Laurie, and one of the nicest cards I have seen made with this set yet! You have convinced me to add it to my card next time I order too :)

  11. Beautiful card. Wonderful design.

  12. This looks amazing Laurie - really love the design :)

  13. Laurie, this is gorgeous. love the color combo!

  14. AWESOME Laurie, totally awesome! I am in love with the LO and the colors and well, the whole thing is just perfect! Great work girl!

  15. I LOVE it! I can already tell you're going to do amazing things with this set (and hopefully not convince me I need it in the process)! Such yummy colors, too!

  16. What a great idea...I love it. And those colors together are one of my favorite.

  17. Your card is so vibrant and eye it!

  18. Beautiful! I really love how you cut the strips of vines and matted it on white cardstock. Genius! The color combo is bright and fun and really eye catching!

  19. laurie, this card is just amazing. I love all the pops of red - such a fresh colour combo. Fabulous. And thanks for the shout out too - you made me blush!

  20. This is lovely! On a side note...You take such amazing pictures of your projects too. :)

  21. This is awesome! I got MB when it was released and haven't been happy with ANYTHING I've made with it... :(

  22. Love it, except I shouldn't have come over to look. You make me want all the things I don't have :). I've spent a lot of $$ bc of you (hehe). :)

  23. HOLY - LOVE the ever-lovin' stuffin' out of this card!!! This is gorgeous Laurie!! I love that stamp set - I feel the need to ink it up again after seeing this GORGEOUS creation!!!

  24. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Love how you cut the strips for added dimension, too! Stamp on, my friend!

  25. this is absolutely superb Laurie, the colours are awesome, as is the stamp selection!! :)

  26. This is an awful lot of layers for you, girl ;)! LOL! But I LOVE it! Simply gorgeous!

  27. This is gorgeous! I loooove that set. Now you make me want to buy it!

  28. Gorgeous card!!! I love your color pallette!!! ;o)

  29. I love the bold look of the two colors of bakers twine wrapped together! The whole card is truly sophisticated.

  30. Ok, this is so pretty!! Really, you are going to cost me $$. I love, love that strip of stems with the little flowers! Cute!

  31. Love love love this! Can't wait to see what else you come up with for this set!

  32. Laurie, this has become my FAVORITE Laurie card. This is amazing......the added little flowers was perfect and brings out just the right pop of color!


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