

Clear and Simple-Around the House

Hey everyone!  You may not know this but I am posting this WAY late!  I literally JUST got my computer back after a 3 or so day break!  The first day was spent trying to fix it on my own...a no go...and the last couple having spent at the shop!  :)  It really was a nice break!  I did get SO much done around the pun intended. hehe!

So the sweet ladies over at Clear and Simple were so sweet to post my project on their blog today!  Please click HERE to see the post! 

Here are a few pics of my little project...something that you might find "around the house".  My project is a post it note holder!  Basically a little cover and then a band for decoration!  

group 1

I stamped on the sticky notes too!  I know that chair takes up some space but I think its kinda cute!  ;)

group 2

And just one more shot with of the band!  I am such a list maker...I just love having sticky notes around!  AND these things are great for little gifts.  Who can't use sticky notes, right?

group 3

So thanks for coming by today.  Even though you had no idea I was even MIA, I missed you all.  It's amazing what a computer does for those of us in the crafting world!  How did we live without these things?  :)  Hope everyone has a great day! 

Stop by the CSS blog to check out all of the other "Around the house" projects! 


  1. Laurie, this is cute AND sophisticated. I love it!

  2. Oh, this is adorable!! I really like that chair. As far as the computer..there is no way this house would function without the Mac. You don't want to see us with a broken computer.

  3. Oh this is fabulous, Laurie! So classic and lovely!

  4. I couldn't connect to the internet this morning and I honestly wondered how I was going to be able to get anything done today! It's terrible really isn't it!?

    I really like your sticky note cover/holder - so very cute! I am also a list writer, I'm as dependant on them as I am my computer - these would be perfect! :)

  5. So glad your computer is fixed! Computer issues are such a headache, but you seemed to make the best of it!

    This project is too cute Laurie! I LOVE post-it notes! So this is such a great way to spice it up! Great work!

  6. What a great project...I love the idea too for a fun little hostess gift!

  7. What a great idea of a gift! Did you stamp the chair on all the sticky notes? How did you keep the pad so perfect looking?

    BTW, I'm so glad you have your computer back!

  8. So simple and yet so fabulous! Definitely going to be making some of these to have on hand for little gifts. Pinning.

  9. love the fuschia and lime colors with the kraft. Great creation!

  10. Love it! What a great idea and I love how you made it! The stamps are wonderful and I really like the color combo you used. May have to try this one...

  11. this is just tooo cute! what a great idea for a gift!! love it:)

  12. Wow! This is so cute! I love this idea!

  13. What a fab idea! I love that little chair and flower "cushion"!!
    Also love that you stamped the sticky notes too.

  14. Yep, this one's going down in my must do sometime list! Great clean design, love it!

  15. LOVE this idea!!! I am so in love with sticky notes!!! Love that you stamped on all of them too- what a great touch!!! Pinning!!!

  16. Super, cute idea! And I think that you could write right over that chair, so no space taking up at all! Brilliant!

  17. What a fabulous idea! And I don't think that the chair takes up too much room on the're so right that is is cute :) What a nice little gift!

  18. Goodness!! How far behind AM I? This is a cute gift! I really like that button pillow!

  19. This is SO CUTE! LOVE the flower button pillow and the way you stamped on the sticky notes too!!! Lovin' this for a gift idea!!


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