

2 Sketches 4 You Farewell

**This is my second post for today!  Scroll down to see the new DeNami Sketch Challenge! **

Yep that's right! Today we are saying goodbye to one of my favorite sketch sites, 2 Sketches 4 You! Laura and Kazan have decided to say goodbye today as they have some new and exciting things coming their way! I am so sad to have to say goodbye but so happy for them! I feel so lucky to have been invited to join the Design Team and had a blast while I was there!

Here is our final sketch...

And here is my take on the sketch...


I usually like to make my own spin on it, but today I stayed true to the sketch! All the way down to the heart! (With the little stiches that were inspired by this card! Scroll down in the post to see it!)  And I love that May Arts ribbon! It works so well for a fun embellishment!


So thank you for joining us today! And thank you to Laura and Kazan for this amazing and fun opportunity to join your team for awhile! I had alot of fun and Good Luck to you both!

Have a great day!


  1. Beautiful! I love the vintage feel.

  2. ooh this is so so classy.. I love this one! hugs to you xo

  3. Your card is over the top gorgeous...I gasped when I read your post but so happy for Laura and Kazan..

  4. No more sketches?!? Noooo! Aw, man. :(

    Dude (yes, I'm, I ADORE this card. You are seriously the best. It is just perfect in every way!

  5. That ribbon is YUMMY!!! PERFECT take on the sketch LB~

  6. This is sad news indeed! I have been doing there sketches for sooo long! Your card is stunning Laurie! I love it!

  7. Beautiful card! Love the music paper and felty heart!

  8. Classy card....that felt heart with cross on it is such a neat touch!

  9. This is gorgeous, Laurie! I love the music background and the felt heart with one stitch. All of the elements and textures make for a very striking card!

  10. Holy Hannah! This is stunning, Laurie!! Love the little stitch on the heart!

  11. Love this classic look of red and black. That is a great sketch - I just may borrow it for my V-Day cards. Cute little stitched heart - LOVE that element! Nice Work

  12. Indeed, 2Sketches4You will be missed. Love your vintagy valentines card. Amazing what a little stitch will do for a felt heart, so cute!

  13. Wowzers! This is stunning, Laurie!! Love it...especially the little stitching on the felt heart!

  14. Stunning!! I love, love the music background stamped in red and then distressed! LOVE the black striped ribbon and the stitched heart! So gorgeous!

  15. Did you buy some of that May Arts ribbon Laurie? hehe Those stripes are fantastic with this sketch and of course I like that one wee stitch....;) I am very surprised by the abrupt end to
    2s4y challenges and will miss them and your creations for them!

  16. I love the music notes. This card turned out amazing, Laurie!

  17. I love the music notes. This card turned out amazing, Laurie!

  18. This is stunning- love that dramatic color combo!

  19. Stunning!!! What a gorgeous card, everything is just perfectly working together, the dramatic color combo, the little details like the stitching, the ribbon! I will miss this site, and your take on their sketches!

  20. Well you said farewell in style with this card, girlie! So very sweet!

  21. OMGosh! This is beyond GORGEOUS! So simple yet so STRIKING! LOVE the sheet music and that SU ribbon with the red felt heart! The colors are SUPER! What a great way to pay tribute to a FAB sketch challenge!

  22. This is just brilliant, Laurie! I can't wait for my BB: Music Score set to arrive, mostly because of how fabulously you have been using it! Love that felt heart with the tiny stitches and the elegant color combo.

  23. What a beautiful and 'tailored' looking card! A great Man Card. That ribbon was perfect for the sketch design.

  24. Laurie this is seriously GORGEOUS!!! You ROCKED the sketch!!! That ribbon is fabulous :)
    Oh, man, I love 2S4Y... too bad :( but if there's exciting stuff on the horizon, that's fantastic too!

  25. Great minds think a like, don't you think? LOL! Your card is simply gorgeous, Laurie! I think I said it a few (or many) times before but I so love your style.

  26. Ohhh my.....that is just beautiful!!!! Simple but yet just georgeous!

  27. Stunning card...such a bold take on the challenge...I love it!

  28. Wow! I thought they'd remain an 'institution' of the crafting world!

    I LOVE that stitched X through the heart! Coincides most excellently with the sentiment.

  29. Yet another fabulous card! I especially like tie little stitch on the heart...great little touch!

  30. This is so beautiful! I love the red music score - unexpected and wonderful on here! I'm so sad that 2S4Y has finished up ... but happy for Laura and Kazan!

  31. Sweet Jeebus, Laurie Beth! This card is sooo beautiful. Utterly frameworthy in fact. I love every single glorious detail you lovingly placed into this card. So inspiring.

  32. So happy they are on to new horizons, but shucks! Your card is amazing. Really.

  33. Beautiful card. I love the black and red together.

  34. Hi Sweet Laurie! Your card is stunning and I'm glad we had the chance to meet through 2S4Y! XOXO

  35. love, love, love this card! from the music to the ribbon - fabulous!

  36. This card ir so cool! :)) I like it very much! :))

  37. GORGEOUS! Love the classy look of the red, black & cream color combo! And that ribbon is SO FABULOUS!!! It's been on my wish list and I really should just buy some!!!! I also love the little stitching on the heart--such a perfect detail!


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