

I am not totally lost....

But I am in Colorado and loving it!  I am visiting my sister in Fort Collins and let me tell you...I do not want to go home!  I said over one Facebook I think I may stay forever!  Other than being ridiculously sick, we are having a great time!  I have received a few emails as to where I am, so I thought I would pop in and say hi and publish this post that I wrote up a couple weeks ago and never posted!  Thanks for your emails ladies!

So recently my friend Barb came over and I had the best Copic class ever!  I was so lucky to have her come and stay with me so you know I had to get some Copic hints!  She taught me how to do hair with that shiny highlight look! (Still working on perfecting that one but you can see my "first attempt" here!) 

Oh and notice this too...NO ribbon, no buttons, no nothing.  Cardstock, ink and Copics!  This may be a first for me!


Now I can't lie....Barb colored the overalls for me!  I wanted to see how and where she chose to put highlights in!  I am convinced that part of coloring takes an artists eye and I don't know if I have that!  I would have colored the overalls blue and darkened the areas around the creases!  She gave this little one a tummy and tushy and some all around dimension!

I do have to say that the skin, airbrushing and grass were all me!  I got an airbrush system last week and to tell you the truth I am scared of it!  But I managed to use PTI Cloud Dies for masks and made the sky super simple!  With 3 of Barb's green copics...yes she has TONS of colors...I made grass!  I was kinda proud of the grass!  :)  And the skin...she gave me a tut on that several months ago so I am still working but the shading on her chin is kinda working out here! 

Anyway, thanks Barb for coming to stay!  Can't wait to see you again soon!  Thanks everyone for stopping by!


  1. This is fantastic! I love that cloud background! Your cards are all amazing! I am saving your blog to my list of favorites!

  2. Can I be Barbs friend too ....... I need help in the BIGGEST WAY!!! Your grass is Fabby and you did a great job with your sky!!! Fantastic LB~~

  3. very cute! How lucky to have a one on one class with the famous Barb!!

  4. You did such a great job with no ribbon, no frills, no nothing. Perfect little scene too! Have a safe trip home tomorrow!

  5. Oh this is the cutest, Laurie!! I think the sky, skin, and hair look perfect. Her little tummy and bottom are adorable, too! Thinks Barb is coming to Nashville soon?!? :)

  6. So glad your having a blast! This card is SO fun! Great job on coloring her in!

  7. is she popped of the card or did you color that shadow??
    looks awesome!!

  8. This is just too cute for words!!! Hope you guys start feeling better soon! :)

  9. So adorably cute! I love PI and your coloring/shading is wonderful. I like how you drew the blades of grass too. You are so lucky to have a friend to stop by and help you out with using the Copic Markers.

  10. Super cute card. I wish I could color with Copics, I am seriously challenged when it comes to coloring with Copics or any other markers like that. You did a wonderful job!

  11. Heeee! Glad you're not totally MIA Laurie! This is a gorgeous card - and the way it came about is interesting! Looks like you'll be a Copic master in no time flat! Hope you're better soon!

  12. I know I've told you this in person, but this is adorable! I love the sky, very cute, and she looks 3D against it!!

  13. So cute! I'm definitely lacking in the Copic skills. What type of paper did you use? I know a lot of people have good results with PTI CS but mine keeps bleeding... I'm sure it's just me doing something wrong! LOL

  14. She is precious, I love this card, hope you feel better soon and enjoy your sister!!

  15. Wow! That's all I have to say. Wow! Even though your friend colored the overalls...still...Wow!

  16. WOW! You did an awesome job with your Copics. I am totally jealous. You had a great teacher. :)

  17. WOW! You did an awesome job with your Copics. I am totally jealous. You had a great teacher. :)

  18. I think your coloring turned out awesome! Super cute card :)
    Welcome to Colorado!! You're here at an absolutely gorgeous time of year :)

  19. She is adorable. I also have the airbrushing and I find it really hard to control...never sprays where I think it should. Suppose I just need more practice :D. Adorable card.

  20. SO next time your friend Barb pops in let me know! I'll be right over!
    I think you did fine with the hair, and the BG and grass are gorgeous! And Barb added such dimension to the overalls. WOW.

  21. I know what you mean about that airbrush system... I'm scared of the one I recently got too!! I tried it out and it was really finicky to get it to work. My airbrushing ended up too faint to see anyway, which is just as well... Must try again, though!


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