


So my mojo has taken another vaca! I have sat down several times over the last few days and I just stare...seems like I am doing that more lately! Burn out? I sure hope not! BUT, I did come up with this the s'morning! Nice and clean and simple! Maybe I should stick to CAS until my mojo shows up!


I pulled out this embossing folder that I haven't used in FOREV-A! So glad I did!


Seriously, after I finally had it planned out in my head (I *see* all my cards in my head before I make them!) this card took 5 seconds! Well....maybe a couple minutes! hehe!


Thanks for coming by today! I was super bummed to not play along with the PTI hop! Other than having no mojo, I really have had NO time! I am working on several events for church and school and keeping up with kids too! I know I am way behind on my blog commenting too!  Oh and we made a new rule...NO computer on Sundays! I came up with the rule so I figured I better abide by it! (We will see how long that lasts!)

Better get 2 year old just handed me my entire role of Scotch foam tape in a large, unrolled mess...omg. bye.

Stamps: PTI Mega Mixed Messages
Paper: PTI Stampers Select White
Ink: PTI True Black
Misc: Flowers-Brand? from Michaels, Cuttlebug Embossing Folder, Jumbo Marvy Square Punch


  1. UMMMM LOVE IT!! So clean and simple and that really makes the roses pop!!! I love the embossing folder that you used. I know what you mean about time ..... I think I am in denial with what needs to be done for packing so I am like Dory in Nemo ....... just keep crafting just keep crafting and then the big moving truck comes and ....... you know ...... GOOD FEELING GONE!!! Have a great day~~ off to email our lease!!

  2. Oh divine simplicity! This is just drool-worthy girl! I love that pop of red on white!

  3. WOW! I don't know what to say. It's absolutely stunning!

  4. Gorgeous! I wish my cards turned out the same on paper as they look in my head,lol. Never seems to work out that way for me... I wish I had that talent/skill! beautiful girl!

  5. I love this!! The white embossing is gorgeous and I love the creative way you used it with blocks. I know what you mean about mojo, Laurie! Mine is still on vacation too. I also "see" cards in my head before I make them too. If I try to craft at the table without an idea, I just kind of sit there, lol. Love your work! :)

  6. Sure wish I "saw" my cards in my head first...doesn't usually happen for me! :) This is a very pretty card! Love the pop of color from the flowers.

  7. I try to see my cards in my head first, also. Usually, though, they look nothing like I want them to look when I am Oh well.

    I relly like this card. The impression on the small squares is really nice and I love the pop of color with the flowers. Really nice.

  8. You may think your mojo has gone missing, but it definately hasn't - this is lovely in all its pure simplicity. Gorgeous.

  9. Stunning! I wish I could "see" something this inspired in my head!! ;) Love it.

  10. Great card, Laurie! I always admire your work. I definitely know what you mean about not having enough "time" for crafty projects. LoL... I always seem to have the same problem! But I guess we all do, in a way. (Sigh)
    Love your new blog banner! Veryyy pretty! :)

  11. Oh your mojo is alive and kickin' girlie! Nothing easy about CAS yet you make it look so with this fab design!
    I on the other hand find I'm just staring at cardstock at the moment.....!

  12. Hmmm, where did you say your mojo was?? Because it seems to me is very much still there girlie!! This is awesome!!!

  13. Absolutely stunning, Laurie! A brilliant use of white space and the pop of red for the focal point. I wish my lost mojo looked like yours! lol

  14. Love the white with the pop of red! ...and I hope you are able to save your "unrolled" tape :)

  15. Great show of MOJO Laurie! I love the simplicity of this - those flowers finish this off beautifully! I did have a giggle (begging your pardon) about the foam tape .... sorry .... and I think it's a great rule about Sundays!

  16. I feel ya - my mojo has been gone for quite some time, though I found a bit of hit hiding behind some stamps today. ;)
    Gorgeous card! I love how well those roses stand out! Lucky you can plan in your head - my head (and desk) are way too cluttered for that! ;)

  17. Laurie....who are you kidding?? Your mojo is not missing my friend! This is gorgeous...Where did you say you got those roses? I need some of those. hehe :)

    I LOVE your new blog our Stamping Away weekend, I have a blog question for ya! :)

  18. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........CAS until your mojo shows up??? I think your mojo is in high gear! This is just gorgeous!!!

  19. LOL about the tape - that's a two-year old for you. :) Gorgeous card - love, love the white on white.

  20. So elegant... I love the texture!

  21. Such an elegant card. I do the same--see cards in my head first. Unfortunately, that is usually in the middle of the night when I want to sleep!!LOL!

  22. 1. LOVE your new blog header.
    2. An entire roll of tape? UNROLLED? OMG...
    3. Your card is lovely, and you have LOTS of mojo apparently.
    4. I am with ya on the "not enough time" factor for sure.
    5. Sometimes what I see in my head doesn't work so I go with what my hands create when my mind doesn't get in the way.
    6. No computer on Sundays? What kind of horrible rule is that? *smile*

  23. This is divine! omg the kind of card i just love! No computer for a whole day????? I would probably burst- LOL

  24. I LOVE this. Everything about it is perfect!


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