

A new favorite....

OK, so I know I say everything is my "new favorite" but how can you not? There are just so many fantastic stamp sets out there! So here is a new one on my fav's list....

Sketched Scrolls from TAC. This is the Stamp of the Month for October. It is $9.75 with a $30 purchase!

It makes FANTASTIC backgrounds, inspired by my Angel friend Stacy! This set is truly a keeper!

Thanks for stopping by today! Let me know what you think! I love reading your comments!

Hope you are having a great week!


  1. This is a fantastic use of that set - love it and the colors? YUM! :)

  2. Love how you used this set! When TAC sent me this set in August I just new it would be a "Laurie must have" This set has your name written all over it :)

  3. I like this one! I got that set too. Really glad too!

  4. Wow! You do a great job lining that image up repeatedly. I'm afraid I'd hurt someone if I tried this. Beautiful card chick!

  5. Awesome card, Laurie. Love the colors and how you made your background

  6. Stunning Laurie!Love the red & chocolate!


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