

New Blog

HI! I am trying out this blog thing! My friend Jennifer has a great blog that she can post things on and people have been asking me to post my cards and scrapbook pages so they can see I thought I would try this to.

I don't know how often I will post things but come and visit if you have time and I may have new things up!

I have started making cards and stamping using The Angel Company stamps and I really love it. I have sold many cards and have alot of fun learning new techniques! Jennifer, an Angel Company consultant has been teaching me lots of fun stuff and I hope to learn lots more! Thanks Jennifer!!

Well, that all for now. I guess I have to try this thing out so I am going to post a card I just made last night! It is one Jennifer had on her blog so I had to try one out!

The card is stamped with the Farm Fun set and folds differently than most. I think its pretty cute! Let me know what you think!


  1. You're off to a great start!! I am SO, SO looking forward to seeing all of your stuff! I love it!! I wish you could go to seminar with me, you would eat it all up I think!!

    Great job!! I think that that is such an adorable card!! Oh, and your daughter's picture is pretty adorable too!

  2. Blog look great! Inspires me to get busy making cards, too!
    Thanks for sharing it!


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